Age old story of racism , Asians oppressing black people. A 'major' black actor is fired from upcoming capeshit movie from Warner Bros, by his Asian boss.

2  2021-01-14 by tiptopkitkat


building the DC multiverse

Please, no more multiverses.

The destruction of every comic book ever made, and all their cultural offspring, would be a massive net gain for human culture as a whole.

Spawn was pretty good IMO. It was a giant fuck you to the whole comic book industry.

Fuck you

And fact that they keep desperately trying is hilarious. Like, we’ve pretty much reached capeshit critical mass from Marvel alone, and Warner is still over there desperately trying to get off the fucking ground with exactly one movie in their entire DC universe franchise that received any praise.

Why they never built off the Nolan Batman Trilogy is beyond me. It’s literally what marvel did with Iron Man. Shit even the OG spider man was well regarded at the time and they still chose a different movie to build off of.

Batman Trilogy is the only capeshit story arc that isn’t total ass.

you think christian bale would be the type to sign away another decade of his life to capeshit?

he's done some pretty great movies since stepping away from batman, i'd honestly glad they weren't able to lock him away for another decade

Everyone just wants to copy Marvel, but even the redditors are weary of it all deep down. Whatever happened to the universal monsterverse, that isn’t capeshit.

Inshallah the cleansing pandemic will be the end of this makruh capeshit.

So Whedon got the boot again. What exactly does he want now?

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Age old story of racism , Asians op... -,*

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