SRD has become just r|ConservativeCirclejerk 24x7 because there is no real drama sub to compete with it anymore.

2  2021-01-15 by SandorClegane_AMA

Thanks Lawlz.

Is any group being goofy apart from Conservatives right now?

What about the rainbows?

What about lefties?

What about the diverse people?


No way to know.


SRD: leftoid CJ who can't admit their own bias.

Drama: rightoid CJ who can't admit their own bias.

Do we need to start all over again with a truly centrist sub?

It's clearly been too long since you've seen an actual rightoid sub if you think drama is rightoid

Pretty hard to find a rightoid sub these days. Our poor children may never know what rightoid sub is like :(

I think by rightoid he means not left. Also we have so many more blatant leftoids than rightoids.

Most of the resident rightoids have been perma y’alled. RIP Eva, captainpriapism, feepo, etc.

Let us all take a moment of silence to remember their sacrifice.

I can tell we’re public just by the fugee smell tbh

AHS wouldn't have it. Centrists are worse than nazis in their book

At least you know where you stand with a nazi. With the centrist? Who knows

Everything really has been done before

This sub has had numerous rightoid waves scattered throughout its history, but it's not in one at the moment.

im literally the only rightoid left in here, but yah ok its a rightoid sub


There's 911 roofer but yeah lol gotta love the OMG RIGHTOID MENACE crowd

I stopped lurking as much as I didn't realize it got better.

Do we need to start all over again with a truly centrist sub?

We already have. Replace the r with a t.

I smell a traitor.

There's a great thread over there about CB2. It has like 300 posts and 70 upvotes, highly recommend.

that's glorious, nice find

The spacebatangel thing is really sperging out impressively.

Ive been reading stupidpol alot lately (cant comment because someone banned me, i dunno why). Not much drama but its refreshing to get a break from the nonstop propaganda. Now that literally everything right of Mao has been banned off this site.

BoredF1nn's crusade is the true alt right pipeline as redditors venture out to alt-reddits, KF and 4Chan.

Or just seeing how rslurred his cabal is makes people reflexively move right.

That's a shame. Stupidpol is a good purple sub like this one (even though they say it's marxist, heh)

You're just jelly SRD gets to mine the biggest salt mine on reddit while we're sitting with thumbs up our asses.