Fuck the bigots at SRD focusing on Conservatives. Drama is the only subreddit to promote diversity and highlight intersectional flash points. Woman who was merely born a woman, didn't work to earn it, documents racist tweets by heckin' valid women.

1  2021-01-15 by SandorClegane_AMA


I maintain a database that has more than 40,000 user accounts tagged from hate subreddits. I check up on likely candidates regularly to see what they're doing and the subreddits they're participating in.

Ok but have they considered a life

Naw, too exhausted.

Yet u also post here 🤔

There was a time when playing video games and watching anime all day every day was considered the most pathetic thing in the world, now we have this.

God I hope I’m on that list

Who else are they gonna track beside dramatards? All the right wing people are long gone.

I don’t use desktop Reddit much but god damn that would be a based group chat to start up.

Foids on suicide watch

foids weak always. Fuck they stop eating just because they read magazine about thin Frenchies.

Perfect pull quote for the title of the SRD post:

“If the black beasts who happen to have vaginas can call themselves women then ⭐⭐⭐⭐s women are indeed women.”

Stars to replace 4 letter word that drama mods HATE because they are proud boys.

If you look at her Twitter page and see what she retweets it looks like she’s going, “Okay and ??” to really positive things lol.

Imagine referencing a disgraced TV show in your username in 2021.

Sometimes you have to look on the bright side of life

Everything about this post is based. The OP. The Twitter OP. The racist Trexs. Everything.

Do you have that neuro-atypical condition which makes it hard to sense irony?


I mean, there's so many of them. It would be exhausting to go threw all the names of conditions I could have been referring to.

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Fuck the bigots at SRD focusing on ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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The valids really seem to hate black women.

She single?



I'm just really into wombs

referring to a (t-slur) woman as he/him can be considered hate speech and it is as offensive as calling a person with dark skin the n-word

"If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won't even say one of them, that's the worse word."


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Go suck on John Goodman's butthole.