Hey, if one reddit user removes all the extremists off reddit, does that mean we have zero remaining extremists, or one remaining extremist? Read these comments to see what correct speech looks like.

1  2021-01-15 by SandorClegane_AMA

*Not linking removeddit thread as that's possibly too close to reddit linking. Copying text because it's easier than joining screenshots and blanking usernames. Made these substitutions because of hilarious drama automoderator rules: "Trunnp" and "l1beral".

Deleted from news subreddit thread. Title of news post was:

Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party

If you find the reddit thread then change url to removeddit, you will be able to verify this text is verbatim barring the necessary changes for rule compliance.

[–]Against Funny Subreddits Moderator -6 points 1 months ago

do you think any registered GOP voters should be fired for secession?

I think they should be indicted, tried, and convicted of sedition.

[–]Bystander #1 13 points 1 months ago Do... do you genuinely believe that?

I hate Trunnp as much as the next guy.. but you want roughly half the population indicted, tried, and convicted of sedition?

[–]Against Funny Subreddits Moderator -3 points 1 months ago

There are Brownshirts - sorry, "Proud Boys" -- you know, the fascist, neoNazi, white supremacist paramilitary that Trunnp ordered before the election to "Stand down and stand by" -- who this weekend went on a campaign of terror through D.C., stabbing, shooting, assaulting, and attempting to burn down historically Black churches.

I spent thirty years of my life studying the rise to power of the Nazis.


The GOP politicians who attempted to end run to SCOTUS to overturn the will of the electorate in four, and only four, US states

The GOP electorate that fly the flags of slaveowner traitors

The GOP politicians that take promo photos with KKK Grand Wizards


[–]Bystander #1 16 points 1 months ago

Do you mean the Proud Boys should be tried? Because I would agree with that. I thought you meant literally every registered republican in the country.

[–]Against Funny Subreddits Moderator -7 points 1 months ago



They stayed registered and voted for Trunnp even AFTER he stole children from political refugees at the border, even AFTER he authorised un-necessary hysterectomies on refugees in border camps by unlicensed personnell, even AFTER he called white supremacist neoNazis "good people", even AFTER all of the things done by this administration which we put Nazis on trial in Nuremburg for. The United States is deploying zinc chloride chemical weapons on its citizens - a chemical weapon that causes zinc fume fever, a chronic debilitating health condition, and is a carcinogen. Trunnp had citizens tear gassed so he could thump a Bible in front of a church. The GOP KNEW COVID-19 was a dangerous epidemic and DELIBERATELY stalled and fumbled government response to it, FOUGHT AGAINST common sense precautions, and promoted open rebellion against legal health regulations -- to let it run rampant to decimate the poor population of the US.

There was a general amnesty for the South after the Civil War; three generations and MORE of African-Americans suffered under Jim Crow afterwards, all the way to the modern day where Trunnp got elected POTUS because a bunch of white supremacists got angry that a black man was in the White House.

The South didn't lose the Civil War. They just put their hands up, shucked their uniforms, and carried it on to the present day by other means than guns and cannon, until the present day where they've picked poison and bioterrorism.

And now they're pushing people into open armed insurrection.

Get your head out of your rectum.

[–]Bystander #2 points 4 weeks ago

I've never seen a more succint example of the phrase: "cut a l1beral and a fascist bleeds.

Arresting every single registered Republican is such an absurd and unethical proposition, so logistically impractical that any real attempt to do it would likely lead to a literal genocide.

You dont just send 100 million cops to arrest 50 million people, its patently absurd. That would require a draft, train lines, concentrations camps and straight up mass death. You cant just lock up millions of people and expect to feed them... You're arguing for genocide and fascism.

Think for literally one second...

[–]Against Funny Subreddits Moderator -14 points4 weeks ago

No, I'm arguing for justice and consequences for criminal sedition.

I've thought for 4 years.

[–]Bystander #3 2 points 3 weeks ago

Found the fash

[–]Bystander #4 9 points 3 weeks ago

Almost none of the things you listed even happened but even if they did you would still be a raving lunatic.

[–]Bystander #5 -4 points 4 weeks ago

The average Republican doesn’t care about any of the things you’ve listed. They’re reactionary, anti-intellectual, “Guns n Jesus” single issue voters. The only exposure they have to the issues you cited come from people they despise and distrust.

When l1berals are constantly talking down to them and calling them traitors, hicks, uneducated, poor hillbillies, they double down on their reality because they hate the other option.

And what is the other option? A party full of managerial class know-it-alls who hem and haw when it comes to improving the material conditions of the working class. Of course they’re going to vote for the party who riles up their base instincts as long as they get to keep their guns and own the “commie libs”.

You’re making such an insane statement about 50% of our country’s population, instead of actually trying to build bridges with them.

[–]Against Funny Subreddits Moderator -6 points 4 weeks ago

I wrote that comment 4 days ago and have gotten 3 different people commenting on it this morning.

Scuttle on back to whatever self-congratulatory sneer club you belong to and wave your useless "She responded to meeeeeeee!" flag and circle up with your buddies and loosen up your wrists --

for all the good it will do the world.

what is the other option?

Apparently, per your account's inherent existence: posting an image macro of a hog. That sure gets results, doesn't it

A party full of anti-managerial know-it-alls who hem and haw when it comes to doing something about the bourgeois.



Let's see here...

stabbing, shooting, assaulting, and attempting to burn down historically Black churches.

I don't claim to be a Nazi history buff like this person here, quote:

I spent thirty years of my life studying the rise to power of the Nazis.

but I am confident that something is not right with her account on the rise of Nazi.

stabbing, shooting, assaulting, and attempting to burn down historically Black churches.

Wait are they talking about proud boys or blm

Has BLM burned down Black churches? I know they burned Black business.

I don't think Proud Boys burned any churches. So I am pretty confused here.

Rightoids 'damaged a historic black church' in DC

And by 'damaged' I mean they took a paper sign off the church and burned it. They didn't even burn it on the church grounds.

During the blm riots a church in the same area had its basement set on fire. I guess no one knows who did it though since redditeurs just insist it was a rightoid agent provocateur like umbrella guy

I spent thirty years of my life studying the rise to power of the Nazis.

Oh that's just how old they are dude. Come on.


As someone that has spent a lot of time studying the rise of nazism, I can tell you rn that this person is clueless.

There are lessons to be learned from Weimar Germany of course. This is a pretty good video:


Nationalism tends to breed cruelty and create permission structures for pretty much any atrocity.

Oh goodie. I didn't expect a srspost. I'll watch that later.

Didn’t read, but I appreciate the effort man. Thank you

I always enjoy reading a good Tardbinn spergout. Thanks for posting!

if Barfbinn has a job, and that's a heckin big if, do the other team members stay away from her, or does she shun them for being alt right nazi quadroons🤔


Take it to watchredditdie or whatever