In a shocking reversal, pitbull saves children from vicious mauling.

1  2021-01-15 by 911roofer


Saving the kid for later

Came here to say this. It was full.

"Labrador mix" Riiight

Shit getting wild in 2020 II

Clearly, this dog has been domesticated, and acting like a house pet.

Only 🐨 own pitbulls.

Serves that Lab right, you never try to eat a pitbull's food.

Unironically if well trained and not let loose by total retards pibbles make damn good guard dogs. The issues are a) shit owners and b) idiots who train their pibbles as guard dogs then treat them like pets (okay different strain of shit owner).

I'm not saying we should euthanize the entire breed but I want common sense pibble control complete with lisencing


pibble owner detected

Or worse, a Bong 🤮

ah classic.... a pibble owner in council housing

All right now thems fighting words. 8 can take being an out of work autistic
shit poster who hasn't felt the touch of a woman since lawlz last good post, but calling me br*tish is a step too far

Alright m8 it was just banter no need to write a short novel ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

How would you feel about being accused of child molestation?

I'll have you know my doberman mix has never been reported to the police for biting anyone.

Also I just wanted to make a gun control joke about pibbles and no one got it and now I'm slightly sad

Lmao the problem is I’ve seen 100 pibble people say the same shit so i can no longer discern trolling from reality

Yeah I just enjoy calling for common sense x control because it's such an obviously focus grouped phrase when talking about gun control.

Also pibble people always get mad when I say we should loisence pibbles so we can charge their owners when they get hungry and have the neighbors cats or kid for a snack. You'd think that of they're so confident that good owners don't let that happen with pibbles it wouldn't be an issue

Or like an expensive deposit that they lose should their dog attack someone that the victim gets. Something like 5K. This prevents owners who don't have the ability to take care of them from owning them. If that is the case as they say it is.

The Caucasian Mastiff is a better guard dog IMO.