The MyPillow founder and former crackhead apparently was planning to install his own government.

7  2021-01-15 by WarBoyPrimo


MyPillow Fascist Regime

Shit's getting weirder, isn't it.

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Pillow!

Ein Kissen. Don't know why you wouldn't use it, it sounds even better...

Because you can kissen mein ass 😁

Arsch, ffs! Don't know why you wouldn't use it, it sounds even better!


Cảm ơn


America is rapidly becoming a shitty meme mod for Hearts of Iron IV.

Wait, is that Gavin "Five Star Pimp" Newsome's ex?

Boomers are such 🐨 its not even funny.

The boomer kakistocracy is in full swing.

The worst part about this guy us that his pillows aren't even good

From what I've seen people either swear by them or hate them. There's no middle ground.

How tf did politards manage to polarize a pillow jfc

I have one my rightoid parents bought me. It's fine.

Aren’t they just chunks of foam?

I kind of want this to happen for the memes.

What are his tax rates?

I would say he is going to do like a 0% tax rate for all people and just go full ancapistan, but if he is smart he'd do the opposite - super high tax rates for everyone and give out rebates to his favored people / businesses. At least that's what I would do.

Or, he uses the bits in his pillows as currency.

The fluffiest and biggest pillow is king


He's got some heft to him so I doubt he's on the rock.

He's probably on a "dignified" mayo drug like xannies.