The MyPillow Plot continues to forment as the mad Minnesotan goes Unabomber.

2  2021-01-16 by WarBoyPrimo


Did this motherfucker really link directly to a PDF printout of a manifesto hosted on 8kun?

Giving Boomers internet access was a mistake.

I think it's a PDF containing screenshots of a PDF. We are reaching the levels of boomerism never thought to be possible.

You might be right: none of the text is selectable.

More importantly when you zoom in you can see pixels instead of the text being smoothly rendered at any resolution. You can literally tell from these pixels!

Oh shit! You should write a manifesto about how you looked at the pixels of this other manifesto and discovered it's a deep-state deepfake.

Manifesto Number of Pixels Suspicious pixels
Magatards 1,342,142,113 491,819
Uncle Ted Zero, written on a goddamn typewriter 0


I always knew that Uncle Ted had the best margin of victory!..

Also - it's "Pixels DEMANDING Investigation". They're fucking DEMANDING it.

Copy paste it and be a hero

It's really boring, though. Just a bunch of bullshit figures pulled directly out of his bussy and a declaration of war (or something, it's hard to tell).

Do you really want to be subjected to that?

Do it for free

evidently, yes

This is why people should never, ever try to quit drugs and better themselves. Nobody likes a quitter, and this is a good example of why.


If anyone is interested in supporting this Patriot, MyPillow is offering a 45% discount on their products if you use the promo code “qanon”

This is kinda a clever marketing scheme cuz I kinda have been looking for pillows and want to buy one of his for shits and giggles to try it out. I just want fluffy Hilton pillows. I should probably just go steal some Hilton pillows and let them charge me.

you know how much semen is on those pillows?

😍😩 Oh yes.

lol very true. I'm just going through some first world problems right now and need to vent about pillows. And then pillow man showed up. Q predicted this.

the more the better

No, but I bet your girlfriend does.

No offense. I'm just joking.

We all know you don't have a girlfriend.

I bought one because I needed a new pillow and they were on clearance or something. I really don't notice any difference besides they're not as stuffed as what I'm used to.

I keep reading some people like them and others don't. It might not be a bad buy for a leg pillow.

leg pillow

OMG are we both pregnant broads🤯

> dramautists are reproducing

this can only be a negative development for society

Somehow our daughter won the genetic lottery. Not sure how she missed my more depraved genes, but she's on the right track.

well the day is till young.

Just like Q predicted?

😂 no but everyone needs a leg pillow. It’s a wonderful little slice of heaven.

I can't believe I'm admitting this publicly, but I like to pull the covers over to my side and rest my aching knees on the bunches up bundle. Wife always complains, but I don't care, because women always complain.

Maybe this is a viable compromise 🤔

lol your secret is safe with me. I promise not to tell anyone.

@me on arrrincels if she ever finds this account

Blanket stealers deserve the couch tbh

I am a man , I love hugging a side pillow while I fall asleep, for some reason my wife has an issue with that.

Good man, good man. Side pillows are amazing.

Huh, who knew there was such a market for hotel things. I usually hate hotel pillows.

could I still claim the discount if I would promise to smother a qanoncel with it?

ngl, i thought you were joking but it actually works???????

I'm going to guess there's a BOGO deal with the promo code "Gott mit uns"

How dare you compare glorious Ted to this pillowcel?

My mypillow keeps whispering in my ear to Trust the Plan, what do?


I'm not reading 15 pages of r-slurred Boomer drivel for the small chance there's a funny quote in there somewhere.


"The Time for Auditing the 2020 US election has passed.

Our remaining actions:

A.) Contingent election for US president. B.) Accept obvious corruption in the United States government. C.)War"

Private militaries funded by mypillow

I'm fairly certain we're going with 'B.' We just survived four years of a philandering dementia patient with a shitty disposition who can't talk without tripping over his own tongue. We can easily survive however long this philandering dementia patient with a shitty disposition who can't talk without tripping over his own tongue lasts before they impeach him or give him the 25th Amendment treatment in order to coronate Queen Kamala.

Can heavy crack use cause flashbacks, years after having "stopped"?

Man, wouldn't that be a bargain? It's like an unannounced two-for-one deal.

This guy is going places.

Forward patriots, for God, Country, and Pillow.

Manually adjudicated ballots were so high (hundreds of thousands of ballots), that we are unable to figure out how counties were able to process all of these ballots so quickly. In some cases, we calculate 10 machines having to operate for almost two weeks 24hrs per day in order to process all of these ballots.

Now where have I seen this line of thinking before? I don't know how I didn't realize it sooner. "Stop the steal!" is just holocaust denial for boomers and edgy contrarians.

TD in general was started by dumb /pol/acks who saw his campaign announcement speech in 2015 and thought he was the second coming of Hitler.

If you ever saw some shit meme from there and thought "gee this sounds like some Nazi shit", that was the point.

I'm still waiting on MattressFirm to weigh in before I decide my thoughts on the election.

Look at all those fat ol boomers excited about a civil war.

Do they think Arby's stays open when society breaks down?

Did you mean foment or ferment?
