Rightoid e-celeb arrested

4  2021-01-16 by Shubard75


Damn I was really hoping that not only was he snitching but the feds were making it really obvious he did so we got more right wing infighting

Don't give up hope yet, there's still a chance he turns on his buddies.

You know, adversity and chance make strange bedfellows.

That guy broke his bail and missed court date by sucking dick in DC

His bail conditions included a prohibition on sucking dick in DC? 😧😧😧

This is pretty common place, they're trying to reduce the supply so they make more money per blowjob.

It part of his FAQ

I feel like Baked is a seriously underappreciated loltard. Some of his streams this year have been electric.

Like the time he went to a gas station and blasted the n-slur over a speaker for several minutes, and then maced some women who tried to confront him.

Or the time he met up a schizophrenic, r-slurred woman with pinkeye at Walmart and then convinced her to be his gf.

The fact that he was a BuzzFeed BLM guy in 2014 makes it all funnier.

Real shit, Baked’s RV disaster trip was great drama. Anyone who caught that knew it was a matter of time until Baked was in jail.

Can’t say anyone expected THIS to be what got him there, though.

Gonna have to be more specific in that headline.

I suspected, as this all happened, that the doj/fbi etc was gonna hit like a freight train over this and find arrest and bust up everybody who was physically involved. So far, so good.

I'm trying to keep track of the tally, but it's hard to keep up.



Everybody involved was dumb enough to post about it online and carry cell phones


Now, when the right authorities holds the higher ups accountable, then real justice will be served.

The notes also included the names of a Democratic member of Congress that he singled out for being Muslim, and an Obama-appointed judge. The handwritten notes also contained references to right-wing conspiracy websites, according to the records.

TFW when your boomer brain is so fucked from a combo of meth and facebook that you need a handwritten list to keep track of all two people you plan to murder.

Like holy shit, is this guy's shopping list:

  1. Milk
  2. Eggs

remember nothing organic no soy milk or the deepstate will control ur brain


They weren't sending their best

Also, a shower thought, can Trump pardon all Americans for breaching the Capitol, or do they have to be named?

Federal pardons issued by the president apply only to federal law; they do not apply to civil, state, or local offenses.

DC doesn't have state laws because it's not a state.

local offenses

Constitution grants the United States Congress exclusive jurisdiction over the District in "all cases whatsoever"

Yeah, so it's all federal crimes pardonable by the POTUS.

oh shit, I stand corrected. I was wrong. IANAL

Experts agree it’s one of the broadest constitutional powers, and in the case of Wednesday’s siege of the Capitol, President Trump could pardon the entire mob.

“He can pardon either individual members or groups of people for any federal offense, period, full stop,” Professor Frank Bowman said. “From jaywalking on a federal street to treason.”

LMAO I was just shooting shit, thanks for doing the research love đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—

On the plus side, I did force Lou Rhodes at work today, since I was in control of the music system!

OMG you're living the dream! If they ever allowed me to control the music system, that is, those 1.5m across displays, I'd start with Summoning - Caradhras.


Who's naming names?

Now, when the right authorities holds the higher ups accountable, then real justice will be served.

No fucking way, the Capitol Police letting those morons in was the biggest gift to Democrats ever, even that was not a literal conspiracy to hurt Trump no way they prosecute the useful idiots who delivered so much to them. Or maybe they do, they are morons too.

eh, Russel Honoré isn't a joke, and I suspect heads will roll because of that.

A man who is called back from retirement who was tasked with cleaning up the mess after Hurricane Katrina, who is on video record for strolling through the streets COMMANDING local police officers to put their guns down, is going to accomplish something

Based black mans gonna get it done

Some frigid white puff ends up under heat

Fitting name really.