Meanwhile in Leafistan

1  2021-01-16 by AI_WAIFU


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  1. Meanwhile in Leafistan -,*

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Quebec put together a bunch of snobby neo-frenchies and didn’t expect this, they deserve whatever happens

I am Canadian, the son of Indian immigrants. I have my issues with colonialism, that aside the one benefit that colonialism gave this world is English. Like India has 80 different languages but everyone knows a little English. English dominates the language of peoples; commerce; and technology. To this day I just don't get how French people from Quebec can't just learn English and you know get along.

Brilliant. Also, why can't these damn Flemings just learn French like normal people, and these fucking Swiss Romands just learn German?

Can't they just get along?

I am not trying to be a dick, but the truth is that English is an important language. It just is. The English colonized and conquered much of the world, and their language is used by much of the world. That is why it is so pervasive in commerce and technology. Now I am not saying people shouldn't learn or understand a different language or the language from their roots. What I do speak to is specifically Canadian. We are bilingual here and I just don't get the animosity between the English colonizers and the French. I do understand that the English and French fought 12 times but here in Canada we should be united and Quebec has always been antagonistic. People to this day want to separate. Also first terrorist attack and organization was a group in Quebec called the FLQ. Edit: A word.

Well, no shit Quebecois want to separate. Trust not in their appearance, for the Anglos are as alien to good, honest men as the vile insects and savage beasts. There is no understanding them for there is nothing to understand - they are a random force in the universe.

We all bleed red homie.

So you say, but I am not sure the read coats weren't to hide your true colors.

You can recognize a true Frenchman by their inability to admit when they are inferior to someone else while knowing deep inside that they actually are and always will be.

This explains both the hate towards Québécois and the root cause of the Second World War.

They are like reverse Italians.

Build the wall!

We don't claim Quebec, don't associate this nonsense with the rest of us

If you can confront the Anglo, look upon the Anglo, even think upon the Anglo, without revulsion, then you are as damned as they.

Uh... Je ne speakez le francais. Go back to Montreal, froggy

He who allows the Anglo to live shares in the crime of its existence.

Quebecels want to secede and then get caught doing things like this?

Malicious compliance or perverts? Place your bets

It would have been more lolzworthy, if the women was on a leash, and the man had said I was walking my bitch
