
1  2021-01-17 by wellletsee


While I'm on this train of thought, I wish to add in my main man Paul W. Klipsch

Paul was a verifiable genius who could have chosen any number of vocations, but the world sounds a lot better because he chose audio.


Klipsch related that when he was developing a smaller speaker for use between two Klipschorns, an acquaintance declared that he couldn't possibly introduce it to the public because it was in direct violation of Klipsch's own corner horn principles, and amounted to acoustic heresy. "The hell I can't," Klipsch said. "And that's exactly what I'm going to call it!"

While the official company motto is “The Ultimate Sound Experience,” the unofficial one is “Bullshit.” Klipsch started using the slogan after reading a competitor’s loudspeaker ad that made claims of supposed “breakthroughs.” After that, he wore a yellow "Bullshit" button behind his lapel and showed it to anyone he felt was making an outlandish claim.

This one hits harder than every sound cloud mumble rapper named lil jizza that died in the last 5 years combined. Pour one out for a true legend

RIP to a real one. Respect.

The latest accepted version was accepted on 17 January 2021. There are 21 pending revisions awaiting review.

not to be confused with this:

The Wall, not to be confused with the Phil Spector-perfected, layered studio-recording technique of the same name, was short lived, but still cuts above the noise. Beside towering over the musical record on sheer size alone, the Wall pushed the art and science of live amplification to precipitous new heights. This is perhaps the system's lasting legacy.

Phil Spector was the man who pulled guns on more talented musicians than you've ever met.