Facebook puts together a nice video of a larper and his friends.

1  2021-01-18 by Iowa_Hawkeye


OMG. How did such fun, harmless social media devolve to that? It’s so eerily recognizable & yet totally dystopian at the same time.


Truly, a redneck holding a gun. My god, we live in a mad max world. I need starbucks and a zen session, asap.

Facebook's blue thumb feels like a hidden white power message of m'fkin #whiteSupremacists in this vid.

More peeps of color (1) in that starting photo then the entire Portland riots lol

Trump got like 25% of the Latino vote in 2016 and I think he increased that in 2020. Lefties are all white people who hate white people and rightoids are all mutts LARPing as whites. All of the meetup pics of goobergaters, /pol/, incels, etc. look like the profoundly aut*stic version of a college recruiting pamphlet and the pics of anti-GG, #inceltears, troids, and commies all look like a fat camp for the Schutzstaffel.

I have to wonder -- how long are we going to keep calling things LARPpilled? At least these r-slurs actually did something. Now they're getting ravaged by D@ddy's footsoldiers.

It's larping until they use those guns as something other than fashion accessories.

Some of them use their gear. The one dude allegedly gave himself a nad tazing. Probably just lbrul fake news, but it's still a good story.

I don’t care if it’s objectively true or not, it’s my truth.

Tazers are for ninnies that theyve used one makes them even more worthy of the label.

Of course it's fake lol

They stood around to the chambers of the most deliberative body without even do much proclaiming the shahada to consecrate it to a holy place. Really dropped the ball honestly

bismillah these traitors will be dealt with by Allah (PBUH) himself.

May the taste of thousands shoes haunt them in the hereafter

you belong to 14 groups
