Praise Yahweh: 911roofer goes down like tower 7

1  2021-01-18 by JimieWhales


oh damn now where will I get my daily required dosage of boring-ass wikipedia drama

The multiself replies that lasted for hours that detailed why he thought it was worthy to post on drama made me realize that I'm not as high on the autistic spectrum as some people.

That reminds me, for like 2 months now I have had a writeup about the r slur that is the wikipedia AD/CE debate I should actually finish.

Rest in peace

It could be a temporary suspension. He might rise from the tomb in three days, just like another famous Jew.

famous jew

Adolf HitledπŸ€”



What comment do you think did it? I presume the insult/s were extra spicy?


So from that info, it doesn't look like he said anything too outrageous. Maybe it was something else...


I wonder which post did him in. My bet is on the Basketball vs. Chosen one.

Link? (If on this sub).

This one. Turns out he stated that post got him permanently suspended.

Oh crap, yeah that would do it.

there goes all of our content. The rightoids better do something really entertaining on Wednesday.

I hope we can recruit some actually-funny rightoids who'll do more than repost AP and Haaretz articles. Maybe snally can hook us up with some QBoomers?

All the actually funny rightoids end up snapping one day and go full 1488. If only they knew how to behave.

Okay, this is epic.

I may have hated him while he was here but I miss him already 😭😭😭😭

You don't know what you have until it's gone. πŸ˜ͺ

Don't know what it is I did so wrong, wrong, wrong! πŸ˜ͺ

They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot.

It's funny, I had a similar experience in my town last year. The town council cut down the local woodland, and put some of them in a tree museum as a token gesture. They even had the nerve to charge people $1.50 to see them. Never been the same since.


He didn't fly so good

these really seem to be clicking along huh

and yet ewe lives

He flew too close to the sun.


He was a great man.




Rude, zozzie

when the oofer is sus