Someone tells a streamer they've kidnapped her dad and are going to murder him. She takes this seriously and everyone throws a pity party for the moron

1  2021-01-18 by Big-Ant_


So she claims she thought the guy was actually going to kill her dad, but wouldn't even flash her tits to save his life smh.

Well that would have gotten her banned from twitch

3 day suspension vs dead dad

Sorry, dad

Never negotiate with terrorists

Sounds to me like she didn't believe him, but had a couple of seconds of doubt, because seriously wtf.

Seems to say that she got a call with a spoofed number and it was her dad's . So I think it was reasonable to think it could be happening

Big thanks to my mod so happy to have someone like them in my life.

Twitch mods are the ultimate form of simp.

Also threatening someone to make them 📸 you is serial killer shit. Hope they get v&.

I think at least most twitch mods for big streamers don't do it for free.

So they get paid in unwashed foidd socks?


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Special thank you to my Mod, Creditz, for going above and beyond. I am truly blessed to have someone like you in my life.

Guaranteed the simp is hoping for a crumb someday

Not gonna lie, if any streamer out there is simp-worthy, it may be her.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pistol to swallow.

Ugh, vag is so nasty, I dont know how you straights can do it


Turns out the guy who called her was somehow using her dad's phone number, so that does explain it.

You can easily spoof numbers online. They have websites.

Yeah no shit. Still is pretty traumatic for someone to call you from what seems like your fathers number, and then say that they are gonna kill your father

Not everyone is tech-savvy. They may not even have known that was possible.

apprehending this man will be a joint task force, comprised of the horny police and the actual police

I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Someone tells a streamer they've ki... -,*

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This is a storyline straight out of the 1981 classic horror movie the pit which just was put on shudders catalogue.