Reeeeeeee! Someone painted painted over the face of our favorite socialist with PEPE! HATE CRIME!!!!11!!

2  2021-01-19 by missmurrr


Hate crime

If someone gets convicted of a hate crime for painting over a mural of a politician a bunch of people love/hate than we are truly 100% in 🤡 world.

I don't see how this could possibly fit the definition of a hate crime but then again it is 2014+7

If they drew Jewface.jpg over it I could see it, but using ADL's "Pepe frog is Hitler" definition to define a hate crime is pretty r-slurred.

Someone in my friend group chat was being a fucker about the ok hand sign so I sent this. Look how r-slurred some of these are

No more using the following.



Being born in 1988 and using it for online handles

ACAB - “context matters” 😂😂😂 can’t piss of their base for clicks

Finger guns 👈👉

Coors beer is racist (actually they may be into something with that piss water)


Troll face (early 10s Reddit in shambles)

All I learned from that list is that the mayo has coined apparently every symbol imaginable.

ACAB stands for "All Cops Are Bastards" and is a slogan of long standing in the skinhead subculture. Because non-racist skinheads may use this acronym as well as racist skinheads, it should be carefully judged in the context in which it appears.

So... it's a "hate symbol", but only when racist people use it... Brilliant. That can be said about literally any-fucking-thing.

Also lol @ "German phrases". Like that comic about the dad berating the little bald girl with leukemia for being a skinhead.

Coors is great. There's a time and place for everything, no one wants to go to the lake and drink a neckbeardy, super hoppy IPA that fills you up. Just drink a coors and eat a hotdog, you'll have more fun.

I mean, I agree about macros. I just find coors to be the worst of the big macro breweries. When I’m day drinking in the summer it’s crispy bois for me.

In order

Bud light



Kirkland Signature Light


Miller Lite, because I can drink it on Keto.

Busch heavy(when fishing, something about busch and fishing just go hand in hand)


Dead last is PBR. I drank way too much of it during my hipster party days. It's like when you ate too much PB&J sandwiches as a kid and grew to hate them.

That can't really happen, can it? I actually like the guy, but come the fuck on...

Please, don’t dare reality to become more r-slurred, it’s on a hot streak and picking up steam.

Meh, I really don't see that. Bernie is about as close as you can get to a based burger political figure - the actual establishment won't lose their shit over his mural getting painted over.

the mural isn't even commissioned, so basically just some nice graffiti someone put under a shitty bridge. seems r slurred to make it a hate crime.

I am actually interested over how it would constitute as "hate crime."

political affiliation is a protected class here in dc, but not sure how a mural with a fucking frog face constitutes a hate crime. let me know if you figure it out.

Oh holy shit seriously?

I'm amazed DC police want to open that can of worms by investigating this as such.

yeah. it’s just like us, and california of all places. makes sense here. the pepe sanders doesn’t seem offensive, so not sure how they can spin this tbqh.

It would make sense for hiring I suppose, but to use it for a hate crime is bizarre. I suppose the illegal action is vandalism? and the intent would be "I hate democrats." But holy shit, if that is the bar for hate-crime I feel like every protestor, etc who broke any law in the past 4 years is up for grabs.

lol. yeah, but the mural is really just graffiti. it wasn’t commissioned, so i suppose that’s an issue?





So is it a hate crime cause pepe is black? Is it a hate crime against white ppl? I’m lost on this retardation.

i am too. wish i could help.

Someone actually did a really good job on that

with a Pepe the frog head, [...] a symbol of white supremacy and white nationalist hate





Using pepe literally anywhere off of the internet is cringe, cmv

Maybe not a hate crime, but still cringe

hi m_c!

Hello murrr, long time no speak. How ya' been?

pretty good. dc is pretty nuts with all of the national guard/military due to what happened here. O_o

Absolutely wild, innit. The kind of thing normies never would've thought was actually possible. Dramacoin has never been higher

i love it! kind of sucked having to get out of the city yesterday with street closures. now they've closed bridges in to the city as of this morning. the national guard seem bored out of their mind, but thankfully, i imagine tomorrow will be quiet. my office had to evacuate on the 6th (i was work from home that day), and we are closed today and working from home.

edit: i love it regarding the drama, not actually dealing with it.

not actually dealing with it.

I said a very similar thing yesterday, I can't link the comment directly but:

It is a true shame that we have to have 20k National Guard troops at the capital of the country and vastly increased police presence everywhere. It's uprooting people's lives as much as covid has.

Not only is it pain in the ass for a lot of people on a local level, it's REALLY embarrassing on the world stage. This is fucked up.

yeah. this shit is ridiculous. i had to go to virginia yesterday via car yesterday, and that was a pain, even before the bridge closures.

It's easy for me to sit back in the middle of nowhere and be smug about it, but yeah I suppose actually living in DC would be a shitshow around this. If we're lucky, in a couple of days it's all done with and back to normal.

Post-Trump days will certainly be less dramatic, huh. Probably for the best.

tbh, i am hoping the street closures go away after tomorrow, and i rarely drive, but streets and train stations are closed for the time being. it seems just like massive overkill for a bunch of larpers. i don’t remember post 9/11 even being this bad.

Reddit politics in shambles.

97% upvoted. Totally not astroturfed faux outrage.

Between Dec. 15 and Jan. 14, police say someone painted an image of Pepe the Frog on the Sanders mural on a concrete wall under the Interstate 395 overpass in the 100 Block of H Street SE.

So you're telling me no one saw the mural up close enough to discern pepe from bernie for a whole month

the prestigious mural is here

edit: some homeless person burn down their encampment over the weekend right near here, so the capitol was evacuated temporarily during a practice inauguration run. dc is just absolutely r slurred at the moment.

Here's how Bernie can still win this thing!

Lol at Bernie sucking off money from tards for another house and they still bootlick