In memoriam: the Great Drama Wave of 2015-2021

1  2021-01-20 by Meowing_Cows

May it rest in peace. Our cups overflowed with DDR drama on literally a daily basis. It's expected that we are only a short time away from more quiet, more normal times again, both in burgerica and everywhere else.

As we move to darker days as dramanauts, remember not to cry because it's over, but smile because it happened and we were all here for it (and didn't die in the process). Papa bless you all, and let us begin a new era with DDD peacefully. Or not. Who the hell knows anymore.


Seeing him post about there being less people at todays inauguration than at his own would have been a great finish

It truly is a shame that he wasn't given his twatter back today, as he obvi would've been a volcano of seethe all day long

I'm actually surprised he has not considered only fans. Best way to exploit his pay pigs.

I mean it's not too late to fire up the OF train

He would need a whole team to do it for him. I don't think I 've ever seen the guy use any kind of tech. Like not even a flip phone.

Oh my friend we're just getting started.

Wait till IBM Watson asks 'hey does my life matter' shit is going to get real wild. Oh and climatefugees will become more and more of a thing.

DDR was a symptom of a much larger problem, we're currently in a combined systems failure where everything is breaking down simultaneously. It's glorious! Best time to be holding dramacoin.

All dramanauts should read things like The Last Question if they haven't already.


God I love Asimov. What a Chad.

Foundation series is the best of its kind.

They're amazing. The R. Daneel Olivaw series is great too. Caves of Steel is just such a classic.

Yup, modern scifi can be fun(bobiverse and expeditionary force series) but they're just fun junk food, foundation series is that fine stake dinner.

Great writer, not a great pet namer

That title goes to HP Lovecraft.

Idk bro. Robutt is a great name for a robot dog.

He was so for stopping overpopulation

Yeah but not in a murdery or racist way for once, which is nice.

'Rona was maybe the way... It targeted fatcels, sickcels and boomers

Get woke on the last question




42 (or forty-two) is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. This Answer was first calculated by the supercomputer Deep Thought after seven and a half million years of thought. This shocking answer resulted in the construction of an even larger supercomputer, named Earth, which was tasked with determining what the question was in the first place.


Where can I cash in my dramacoin for food stamps? I havenโ€™t eaten since Monday

we're currently in a combined systems failure where everything is breaking down simultaneously

lol wat

options include

  • healthcare
  • education
  • media
  • infrastructure
  • ur mom

I don't see any of those things breaking down. When you've worked in as many organizations as I have in a short time span, you begin to realize that human history is nothing but an exercise in continuous can-kicking. We're just at the point where we need to kick the can further along a couple decades. Then it becomes someone else's problem.

Oh believe me I'm well aware and seem to have come to a similar conclusion as you. Like with all the recent anti-racism stuff, uh guyze akshually humans have had slaves for millennia and we've constantly redefined what it meant to be a slave in one of those can-kicking exercises. No one can seem to ween themselves off the one simple trick of "Don't pay your workers!"

But while the background stays the same the foreground does change with the times. The holocaust was worse than the innumerable other genocides in history pretty much because of technology. It's accelerating (or has accelerated) past our ability to can-kick and you're seeing those effects play out in everything simultaneously.

He's a doomer

no shit

It's pretty much all summed up in that there was an attempt as unionizing at Google, not with the aim to push back against the interests of the rich capital at the top, but to hire more black women.

Insh'allah we shall see his like again.

It's only a matter of time, but we must remember where it all started. A man so r-slurred that he was actually capable of putting it all into action

His Kingdom is not of this world. He shall endure the hearts and minds of every opioid riddled, mentally handicapped man-child ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Daddy's Back 2024.

Good film that would make, and also if it was reality too.

the only unrealistic expectation is that people won't stop seething about trump 24/7 just because he's no longer daddy in chief. He's been their whole identity for around 5 years now. You don't just drop that overnight.

It's probably going to shift off of Trump himself pretty heavily and onto his key supporters + whoever they rally around similar to how the Tea Party was treated.

basically every republican nominee will be treated as the next Trump, the democrats will just highlight all the times they agreed with Trump and that'll be their entire smear campaign.

Also there's no way Joe Biden runs in 2024 so I could easily see some good drama if Cop Mommy is the defacto nominee.

I think it all depends on whether Trump manages to do the right thing for once and just don't do or say anything for a couple of months. Then his confused and disoriented supporters will also remain mostly silent, and I think that it's pretty hard to persistently seethe into the void.

DDR nonsense Hall of Fame: Daddy defends his dick

This is my personal fave

We will miss you d@ddy, you didn't do shit but you filled our drama cups will lolcow milk daily even if it had to be from your own t(w)eets. For this you are forgiven ๐Ÿ™. Wish we had the chance to see you tangerine tantrums, but alas uncle Jack cucked you. RIP legeng ๐Ÿ™

No one has ever done so little, while making people so mad. Truly inspiring.


nothing will ever beat the lead up to the 2016 election. That shit was like a daily roller coaster of laughs

The 2016 election night cope videos were just, mwuah!

Mail in ballots sadly deprived us of the same thing this year by delaying the result past election night. Would have really liked to see some DDR meltdown compilations.

Though I guess we did get to see them film themselves committing crimes in the capitol, so that was fun.

The 2016 election night was the peak, the whole 4 years after was pretty predictable at that moment, still fun to watch it play out.

Oh shut up, the admins cucking this sub carried more weight than this

It's expected that we are only a short time away from more quiet, more normal times again

Attention has become one of the major economies of the 21st century, and there's a world of people out there thirsty for it. Spergs will sperg, keep your chin up.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

The next four years are going to be fucking boring with the exception of Biden stroking out just a minute past the two year mark so we can bring forth a decade of Kamala Harris.

And heres Vice to tell you why that's a good thing.

Remember when they cried, "NOT MY PRESIDENT"

Hey, itโ€™s not over till itโ€™s over dude.

now, I'm no genius, but I'm pretty it's over

Admins neutering this sub during that period can never be forgiven.
