It's finally, officially, over for D@ddy

2  2021-01-20 by Chessen113

Discuss dramatic happenings in the usual places.


.win is coping so unreasonably hard right now it’s hilarious

please cap and share.

It's better when you consider these people spent years making fun of people that cried after 2016.

Time is a flat circle.

I for one am just looking forward to the inevitable few months/years of Tea Party 2.0 marches. They've hung up their 1770s LARP costumes for too long.

Time is a flat circle.

An atheist pessimistic mood and it is meant to magnify the absurdity of life by declaring its endless repetition…..on the contrary…this is the nature of the atheists mind….a mentality forcing itself to negate the obviousness of the creator because of ignominy or shame…or hatred. In adopting such an attitude life is futile and mortal..finite and crude without meaning....but in reality…atheist ideology is a tenet of luciferian doctrine…and yes …the earth is a level circle with four quadrants…the luminaries telling time respectively revolving clockwise over the plane..…and instances do have similarities in repitition….but are unique in quality..yet the spirit is eternal…and this trial is the learning process of existence…and loving the creator makes revelation of ones purpose in life.

based schizo

Just to "both sides 😎😎😎" real quick I'm seeing plenty of social media libs talking about how they're crying happy tears watching the inauguration

But it's still way funnier when it's the "fuck your feelings" crowd crying

horse status: shoed

I made a separate post

Q predicted this

I can't wait until his farewell speech is dissected for code.

If you want some good cope V0x D@y was reading into the number of flags behind the podium at the farewell speech and the Turner Classic Movies schedule for January 20th

It's already being done on the qtard .win site.

By the way, where do they congregate? I want to watch them seethe but twitter banned all relevant hashtags, I'm being oppressed :(

They have a bunch of forums.

greatawakening dot win for all your schizo cope needs

Greatawakening . win

This is how Bernie can still win!

T-minus 2 years and 1 day 'til Kamala is President. Maybe 2 years and 1 month if she wants to make it look like she didn't just push Joe down a flight of stairs.

Empress Kamala please step on me


The boomers on my fb feed already gave up on attacking D@ddy 2.0 and went back to bashing black D@ddy

Obama? Lol why?

I genuinely have no idea. Part of it may be that he's been getting a decent amount of attention again, so it just caused the boomers to regress.

The "Obama was a shadow president" conspiracy has been spreading around the boomersphere.

Basically, they're trying to blame all of the Trumpian failures on Obama.

First thing that dude did once out of the white House was kite ski. Think he even wants to be a shadow president man is living retirement straight up

This is kinda lame, I expected some bigger freakouts from my diehard d@ddy lover friends, but I'm not getting it. I looker forward for two months for this day and work was just a normal day, casual mentions about the inauguration, but that was it.

When d@ddy got sworn in people were crying and the libs in my building had a very somber attitude.

Hopefully they're still in the denial stage because this isn't worth higher taxes.

I'm getting strong "mask over crying face wojak" energy from my daddy fans but yeah they're holding it in and not really chimping out

They already chimped out two weeks ago. Then their friends started getting arrested by the FBI. So they're probably keeping a lower profile for now.

I think most of them got to 4 and 5 by now after two months of seethe-posting into the abyss

That's because they are still in denial stage maybe? Grief has to set in I guess

I expected a repeat of this and got a giant nothing burger. I'm not angry rightoids, i'm just disappointed.

Found on .win:

I need a manual on how to survive under a Biden administration.

This. Biden is illegitimate. It is vital that we meme Biden illegitimacy in all corners of the internet and even all over town until it is common knowledge and socially acceptable to acknowledge this in public. That is the real meme war now.

[T-slurs] in the Military.... Need I say more???

buy food, water, ammo, guns, and firewood while the us dollar still has any value...

Today marks an end of an era. Now we enter the era of tyranny, or the era of collapse. It's odd, when I was a kid I had a positive outlook of the future. I never would have thought that the US would die in my life time.

Never in my life would I have thought I would be sitting here crying over a president. But here I am at age 40... crying over my president. These last two months are poring out of me.

I would kinda get it if Bernie had won but I really don't get how the most unremarkable lib president riles them up like this

They do it by labelling everything left of ddr the 'left' or 'libs', so they can then cognitively tie everything from full on maoist communism to neoconservative free trade policy to the 'left' and so anyone labelled as 'left' is guilty of holding any ideological stance that's useful at the given moment even if that means the person must hold conflicting ideological stances.

Especially since Trump changed hardly anything from the Obama years.

Incredible seethe.

What makes this even funnier is that this is exactly how the future DDF was talking in 2008-2011, but most of the .win users were like 12 or under back then so almost certainly don't remember it.

while the us dollar still has any value

lol i'm pretty sure biden would piss off EVERYONE if he ruined the US currency. What nutcases.

Own goaling your currency to own the rightoids

Nixon did that and it's pretty much the only thing he's remembered for




I like this one.

Because despite having all the evidence of the grotesque crimes these fuckers have committed over DECADES worth of rooted corruption, with 4 years in office, all he did was bait patriots into complacency?

It's one thing to put up and lose the fight, but it's another thing entirely to placate the masses into inaction, with empty promises and pipe dreams. The information that has come to light is nothing short of revolt worthy, but instead he told you not to worry while he threw you under the bus on his way out the door, handing power directly to those who now label citizens concerned for their country as terrorists. All your communications will be severed, and any ability to mobilize will be squelched. Any leg up conservatives had is now lost. There is simply no justified response aside from anger.

This and the line to self awareness is an asymptote.

Wow what a bunch weak flakes

Meanwhile in DDF minds: some weird hybrid of both defeat and denial

Also Greta dunked on him one last time

I am not a fan of her but her bantz at DDR has been pretty good.

I guarantee that kid will end up being so incredibly mad at her parents if she ever wises up in a few years and figures out how thoroughly they used her.

lvanka seemed to turn out all right, I’m sure Greta can manage since her parents are actually sane

some weird hybrid of both defeat and denial



Where is that?!

the great awakening win

It is beautiful, so beautiful.

Thank you, this is the salt I needed! Yay!

(it's without the the btw, the the version just sends you to random spam sites)

I'm here for you in the salt mines, comrade.

Are they trying to replace the "here's how Bernie can still win" meme?

Fucking DNA splicing lmao

Drumphf is well and true and totally and absolutely and blablablabla finished

The walls have closed in.

Ding dong, daddy is done?

I wonder how Qtards and rightoids will start spinning the "Trump is not over. He is holding his cards" now.

Easy. It’s a Biden animatronic and trump is really still the president. Revealing the truth and extent of the fraud would be too shocking for Americans to handle.

A SCARE had to happen. In post 243543, Q said a SCARE must happen. This is the scare. Trust the plan.

Watching ammo prices rise in real time has been a painful experience

I can't link it, but check my history for a video post of a Trumpkin bawling her heart out and begging DDR to save her from Biden.


The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. It's finally, officially, over for ... -,*

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