Da*dy had a diet coke button

1  2021-01-22 by CopeSeetheDilate


“Out of nowhere, he’d suddenly press the button,” Sims wrote of the former president. “Not sure what to do, guests would look at one another with raised eyebrows. Moments later, a steward would enter the room carrying a glass filled with Diet Coke on a silver platter, and Trump would burst out laughing.”

I would do the same thing.

I have never seen a thin person drink diet coke.

Lets be real the only reason that's true for you and Daddy is that you guys are both Americalards and everyone around you is fucking fat. Nobody who's a normal weight drinks sodas at all, be they corn sugar or sucralose/aspartamine.

Idk about that. I used to drink a ton of soda and was normal weight.

I stopped drinking soda when I stopped running though. And most people I know that quit drinking soda instantly lose about 10 pounds.

I replaced it with beer and gained 10 pounds

Ohh god I feel that

I really need to move over to liquor but I love the taste of beer

Beer tastes like carbonated cat piss

It does if you’re 16

I’m 14

*12. My bad

I used to drink a ton of soda and was normal weight.

This is what Americans actually believe. pic related

I mean I was running for over 40 minutes a day 4 days a week.

imagine thinking that's a lot lmao

Infinitely more than the average burger tbf

You are out of your mind.

I don’t think 40 min of running is enough to burn off the calories from even one can of coke...

I think you're probably delusional. Running 40 minutes a day at any real pace is well beyond what the vast majority of the population can do.

Cool, so 40 min running will burn off the calories of two cans of coke. But that means you could only have one can per day and not be a tubby.

If you're running at a real pace 40 minutes a day, you aren't gaining weight unless you just eat all day.

Or, as you claimed, drink a lot of soda. The amount of running you claim to do only allows you to drink 1 can of coke per day. The math really isn’t difficult pea brain.

Trying to explain this to a soy/stupid person is probably a waste of my time.

But why would you let that stop you now?

I see the low IQ pizza really struggles with math.

Idk who you think you're fooling here man. You are literally an eva caliber idiot and the fact you think you can argue with me is just wild.

I've literally never seen you express any level of knowledge on any topic.

Your math is, you know, way off. It depends on speed, weight, and other factors. A can of soda is about 150 calories.

This isn't even getting into the fact I said that in response to someone linking a picture of a fat person on a mobility scooter.

Even for a stupid person you're slow.

You clearly can’t math: you run enough to burn 8 cans of coke per week, but think you can drink more than that without getting fat.

I’ve literally never seen you express any level of knowledge on any topic.

No you.


Alright, I forgot you unironically had a learning disability which is why there's no point in ever engaging you.

It’s pretty clear that you’re the one with a learning disability given your lack of understanding of basic arithmetic.

The fact you can't comprehend the other factors that go into something like this actually points to you being stupid.

  • height.

  • weight.

  • speed.

I get you're just a fat ass that has not a basic comprehension of any of this, so we're done here.

You’re an overweight manlet that can’t run very fast. So tell me, how many calories do you burn on your 40 min “run”?

Few things.

A) I'm 6'3.

B) I'm not overweight.

Depending on speed you're looking at over 600 calories burned during a run.


E: zozbot has spoken, you are in fact an overweight manlet.




First of all not all of us look like that.

Some of us zap carry between the fat folds too.

Tactical concealed carry you Yuropoor, learn it.

TFW skinny fat.

It is pretty odd how normalized it got here. I would be lying to you if I said I didn't have a soda like every other day, but I know in other countries it's definitely just a treat.

I've started to go further down the rabbit hole of expensive small batch sodas(or just boujie shit), and with those I'm pretty good about it.

If I am paying 1.40 per bundaberg, I'm not gonna be downing them every 5 minutes like a cheap 12 pack of coke

cheap 12 pack of coke

Being able to buy a 12-pack of any soda for $5.00-$6.00 in Burgerland certainly doesn't help.

Yep, and you can get a 2L for 1 dollarr, sometimes cheaper if they are on sale.

To be fair, they have corn syrup instead of sugar, which sucks and I get a mild allergic reaction to it, but as far as price goes, it's cheaper to get a dang bottle of soda than a bottle of water

That was a quote of a years old D@ddy tweet, which makes this all the more ironic.

I have a friend who drinks offbrand pepsi zero, he's really thin. But I think the stereotype is mostly correct

Lmao Biden sucks he could have had a free diet coke button.

He'll get a button that makes a steward come in with a hogtied loli.

Just wigs from Locks of Love so he can give em the he old sniff test


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It's over for pontiac-cels

This whole T-slur Am thing is an insult to Burt Reynolds, the Bandit and the Pontiac Bandit alike.

Holy fuck this guy drank 12 a day. That is nasty.

I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


  1. Da*dy had a diet coke button - archive.org, archive.today*

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Good thing he never got it confused with the nuclear warhead button.

At least we know Biden is a man of taste. Coke Zero over Diet.

Pretty sure a Coca Cola marketing person outright said the only reason they made Coke Zero was because Diet Coke was seen as "girly"

It tastes weird. Personally I like to do 1/2 and 1/2 or 1/4 and 3/4 of coke zero and regualr coke.