[shitpost][thinking] Has anyone seen Springs1 lately?

1  2021-01-23 by snallygaster

I'm mostly just posting this thread to summon her so she can give an update on foodservice in the times of COVID.


when are we getting the history of Drama part II?

Good question, I really need to work on that.

Get after it kween!! πŸ‘‘πŸ‘

And Kimmo Alm part 2

Some context please?


Here's the old effort post about her. She's an old fashioned lolcow.




I know right. Crazy ass hoe.

lmao the one where she posted on that pregnancy board and like 3 pages in she says she never wants to get pregnant or have kids because she hates them and doesn’t want to get fat πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

She has claimed to be skinny, but I don't believe her.

She PM'd me once and told me the same thing, I guess when she's not going out to eat she lives on Healthy Choice frozen meals 😬

I am surprised that I don't remember this, and am sad because now I am reminded of this.

😞 High risk group... πŸ˜”

Covid times must be extra though when you refuse to cook. Any idea what part of the country she terrorized?

She mentioned which branch of chain restaurant she went to in one of her reviews; iirc she's in a small to mid-sized city in the South. I wonder if she's complaining about takeout etiquette or COVID precautions. Can you imagine being a server and having to deal with her on top of all the shit that's going on rn?

She is like the ultimate "Karen" but so specifically petty that she's immune from the callouts.

Speaking of our bird friend Kaara has left us

Probably needs it’s own thread tbh.

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. [shitpost][thinking] Has anyone see... - archive.org, archive.today*

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