Body Positivity Win: Dove Has Changed The Name Of Their Company To ‘Fat People Soap’

1  2021-01-27 by -M-o-X-


My big annoyance with this fat positive shit is now the athletic designers are adding fat people in their ads, and I don't work out to be fat. It's what I'm avoiding. Don't try to play off that this 300 pound land whale is running on a treadmill and lifting weights.

Well fat people might actually do that, they just either give up or stop being fat pretty quick

Almost forgot that Clickhole exists. Almost got me.

Their videos were great. "Christ Cometh to my House and Eats All of my Food" is my favorite. The Conan one was great too.

I wish they'd update PatriotHole again, their "Stop Obama From Stealing Your Gold" game was great.

Now that ResistanceHole is useless, they will have to do it, I'm sure.

Not having it active from Nov to Jan was a big miss.

They peaked early anyway.