Literally everything is D@ddy's fault even though he's not even president anymore

33  2021-01-27 by The_Dramanomicon


Wow, good job CNN, finally the "media" shows its true colors

(It's worth noting that Reddit was also a gathering spot for some of the most ardent Trump supporters in 2016.)

They had to put this in didn't t they.

Soon they'll link the gamestop saga to gamergate and reddit will turn on the wsb rslurs in an instant.

Its about ethics in brick and morter video game store finances

someone didn't get the memo about discord booting WSB for """hate speech""" or I'm sure that would have been its own paragraph in this "article".

Soon they'll link the gamestop saga to gamergate and reddit will turn on the wsb rslurs in an instant.

Of course they fucking will, the media is that stupid. We live in a spectacle.

At the core of Donald Trump's angry populist appeal was -- and is -- this sentiment: The elites think they know better than you. They think they can tell you how to live and what to believe. But guess what? We the people are smarter than the elites!

What a shit tier take from CNN. No, the message is "fuck the elites". It has nothing to do with being "smarter" than some poindexter at the WHO.

The message is: "We hate you and we hope you die in a fire."

Could have saved them a lot of time by just saying Trumpism was appealing to stupid people and left it at that.

Not just stupid people, stupid and angry people.

Yeah they're angry I guess, but it's like an incoherent angry that isn't based on any tangible reality.

Meh, Trumptards aren't wrong that smug liberal f-slurs who've never had to punch a clock in their life really are laughing at them. The Twitterati truly are insufferable and it's easy to see why they're worth hating.

The difference is I just want to see them forced to get real jobs at Walmart, not executed. And I'm not willing to blow up America in the trade.

But I do get why they hate those people.

You realize more liberals are working-class than conservatives are, right?

I don't really get this argument.


If you really can't comprehend why anyone would wish ill on the bluecheckcels who think they're better than you because they have a sociology degree from Oberlin then you're probably one of them.

It doesn't matter if the median democrat voter isn't one of those r-slurs: they're the visible avatar of the left. Most GOP voters aren't a parody of a racist oil baron, either, but that doesn't change the fact that the Republicans are the party of racists and oil barons.

a sociology degree from Oberlin

you're probably one of them

P-Shilly in a nutshell.

You're just recycling talking points conservatives spew, ones that have no tangible basis in reality.

For example, democrats dominate basically every field of education, including STEM. The talking point that this is just "social sciences" or whatever is one conservatives came up with to downplay the fact they're poorly educated.

And considering rurals, on average, are stupid people, the blue checkmarks probably do know better than them.

In fact, as someone that grew up in rural America among these people, I know for a fact that they are clueless and have not a basic idea of how the world works or anything in general works. I have had to explain tax brackets to 40-year-old people.

Even more telling that these are just conservative talking points is the contradictory nature of conservative rhetoric. On one hand, democrats are unemployed welfare leeches that don't pay taxes, on the other hand they're the "coastal elites."

You can't have it both ways, yet conservatives seemingly do. Go on any conservative forum and talk about raising taxes on the wealthy and you're swarmed by troglodytes claiming you're just a loser that doesn't pay taxes and leeches from the government and are also somehow an elite when convenient for conservative propaganda.

This isn't subtle - the intent is very clearly to cast themselves as downtrodden underdogs while simultaneously declaring their enemies inferior.

It's a good tactic, as shown by how many useful idiots such as yourself buy it hook, line, and sinker.

What talking points? The fact that I hate left-twitter and their vacuous self-satisfied argot? This ain't it, chief.

You repeated literally every mainstream Trumpie talking point.

I don't care if you want to "hate twitter elites" or whatever, but when you recycle republican talking points about social sciences and "coastal elites" or whatever, you're just a useful idiot.

Oh, no, I'll radicalize arrDrama by pointing out that the rarted left is shooting themselves in the face!

I care about winning elections and wielding power to make liberal policy. Stupid shit like stripping Abe-fucking-Lincoln's name off schools for being a racist is actively detrimental to that goal.

So fuck off with your disingenuous concern-trolling oh dear the ~right-wing talking points.

You're actually incapable of just not recycling Republican talking points, aren't you?

You sit on social media and hyper-focus on whatever fringe minority event you don't like and then project that onto everything else.

You don't care about shit, you care about recycling bullshit conservative talking points you picked up on twitter.

You know not the first thing about American politics.

Hey, I guess you've been asleep for the past five years or something, because in case you didn't notice the entire GOP party platform is built around hyper-focusing on stupid shit on the internet. An 8chan shitposter triggered the most successful assault on the US Capitol since 1814. I don't know how to break this to you, but rarted culture wars bullshit is the only thing animating the right.

And your theory is...what, exactly? Trump's out, so everything goes back to normal? The Democracts can just go back to blathering on about shovel-ready infrastructure and cutting sweet deals for their finance buddies?



Downvoted for telling the truth smh

So the plan to frame WSB as a nazi club by MSM is the angle they're going? I don't really think anyone is shocked by this.

Yeah idk what WSB has to do with Trumpies. This guy seems to just trying to get clicks.

WSB is full of right wing Trump nuts

The commies hate the rich hedge fund managers too. They would desperately love to get revenge, despite hating the capitalistic nature of the stock market. Especially since they think Wall Street are using underhanded tactics to kill off small companies via shorting etc.

Especially since they think Wall Street are using underhanded tactics to kill off small companies via shorting etc.

There is no 'think'. This is how the Street operates.

They do but the Trumpsters are the first problem

If you can't beat em, join em. Buy some GME, or at least invest in some companies you feel will do good for the world (very LONG term bets), and you'll be on the stock market train quicker than that fly flew on to Pence's head.

Not now, gimmick account, this is serious business.

Do you read the article? I’d say a group of capitalists and white supremacists fit the picture.

Who the fuck reads Chris Clizza articles. Everyone hates his fucking guts. Maybe he’s just rage baiting people?

Or maybe he's got TDS at a terminal stage?

He’s a just a two bit attention whore. I myself have a crippling TDS diagnosis that will follow me until the end of my days - Chris is nothing more than a clout chaser with an editor who indulges his narcissistic click chasing headlines.

lol anything that happens within the next 4 years will be the fault of trump, but after biden is gone people will start making clickbait that their new super scientific buzzfeed study has a new hot take and it's actually biden's fault. An the circle of buzzfeed journalism continues.

lol anything that happens within the next 4 years will be the fault of trump

Trump really is the wh*te Obama!

Like somebody said 4 years ago:

Orange is the new Black.

The fuck lmao

What's the end game for the GameStop surgers? Like, now that they have proven the point that they can take a stock that the pros have declared moribund and revive it -- at least for a moment -- what do they do now?

He's more right than he knows. There was a plausible strategy: squeeze the fuck out of these shorts, which is a very positive-sum thing to the people doing the squeezing, seeing how it extracted a shitton of money from the greedy hedge funds, then carefully exit while keeping the profits. It needs not to be a ponzi, everyone could partake in the extracted wealth even as the stock price drops back to a reasonable value.

But of course they are rslurs and will push it up and then it will crash and they'll lose their pants to clever people shorting it responsibly. Such is the way of Trump: snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and go down burning everyone around you.

It's just a way to express frustration, anger and a feeling of helplessness.

So funny when white males do it, right? Are they venting eh 🤨

There’s no such thing as shorting a stock with an 80% borrowing fee and $10,000 deep OTM puts “responsibly” lmao.

Like someone will win big on it but it’ll basically be a lotto ticket, and everyone else who tries it will lose big.

Translate to nonspecific 120 IQ language please.

Shorting a stock is when you borrow a stock and sell it on. You have to return it at some point and you have to pay a fee. The hope is that the stock will go down, so when you buy it back and return it you profit on the difference.

Right now the fee for borrowing GME shares is 80%, which is absolutely unheard of. 30% is already considered insanely high. You’ll lose huge amounts of money if it keeps climbing and even if it drops, because the fee is so high you can still lose if it doesn’t drop enough to cover it.

Put options are a contract that lets you sell 100 shares of a stock at a target (“strike”) price by a specific (“expiration”) date. You profit if the stock goes down and you now have the right to buy up a bunch of shares at market price and flip them to the sucker who sold you the put at an inflated price. However, if the stock is above the strike price when the contract expires you lose your entire investment.

Right now these contracts are insanely expensive, like thousands of dollars for a put that’s nowhere near the current share price and expires next week.

I know what shorts and puts are in theory, I hoped for a better explanation for "80% borrowing fee" and "$10,000 deep OTM puts", sorry, I guess I should have said it upfront to save you all the time of writing that comment and write the comment I'm interested in instead 🤗🤗🤗

Sorry lol.

An 80% borrowing fee means that if you for instance short $10,000 worth of shares, you have to pay $8,000 to the broker who loaned you them. It’s technically 80% per year, so it’s not quite that high if you don’t hold them very long, but you have to pay part of it daily so you lose money every day. For a normal stock, the borrowing fee is usually 0.30%.

OTM means “out of the money.” For puts it basically means the stock is above the target price, and if it expires you lose your investment. Right now GME is $278.81; a $250 put that expires February 5, meaning it would have to drop almost $30 in a week and stay there, when this whole gagglefuck is still going on, is $9,605.

a $250 put that expires February 5, meaning it would have to drop almost $30 in a week and stay there, when this whole gagglefuck is still going on, is $9,605

Does that mean that I have an opportunity to lose $10k to either do nothing if the put expires or sell a share for $250? That doesn't sound like you're giving a real explanation.

Options (puts and calls) come in bundles of 100. So for $9,605 you have the option (hence the name) to sell 100 shares of GameStop at $250. If GME drops to $200 you make bank, since you can either sell those 100 shares at well above market price or just sell the contract on to someone else for a premium. However if it expires and GME is $250.01 then the option expires worthless and you lose the entire investment, because exercising the contract would see you selling those shares for less than market price.

Of course it’s not quite all or nothing, you can always sell the option on to someone else before it expires, but the price on options move so fast it could lose 80% of its value in literally seconds.

current admin blaming former admin is pretty par for the course. That being said expect that shit to be dialed up to 11 for awhile as TDS was and is still a thing.

Lol cope

The entire notion of Trump's candidacy and presidency was to stick it to the elites.

[Chris] Cillizza... attended The Loomis Chaffee School (which he sometimes refers to jokingly as the "Loomis Chaffee School for the Rich,"... an independent boarding school...

I can see why he'd be concerned about a politician going after the elites.

Isn't it a fact now that the media is basically boomer news and for people that don't have any clout? Shit they took gamergate seriously as opposed to I dunno the Iraq War or the 08 financial meltdown.