If tricking idiots into throwing away their vote is illegal, then the Green Party should be in prison and Lolbertarians should be in prison for two reasons.
Kind of interesting. He willingly misled people to believe they were voting via text, but at the same time you have to be kind of braindead to believe something like that. Then again, half the shit I see on fb from zoomers and boomers alike is equally stupid so I'm not surprised if people genuinely fell for it.
I know people have already gone crying to police for "death threats" when they got hit by the Navy Seals copy pasta (pretty sure Wil Wheaton), so the next logical step is that someone gets charged under CFAA for advising a government boomer to "delete System32".
... someone get me a list of female congresswomen over 60 years old. I'll do it myself.
You can't even link to arrDrama on arrDrama, but that time that MasterLawlz told Wil Wheaton how pathetic he is, right to his virtual face, has got to be one of the greatest moments in internet history.
Imagine getting told you're embarrassing by zhcyiD9 himself.
46 JimieWhales 2021-01-27
If tricking idiots into throwing away their vote is illegal, then the Green Party should be in prison and Lolbertarians should be in prison for two reasons.
31 somestupidname1 2021-01-27
Kind of interesting. He willingly misled people to believe they were voting via text, but at the same time you have to be kind of braindead to believe something like that. Then again, half the shit I see on fb from zoomers and boomers alike is equally stupid so I'm not surprised if people genuinely fell for it.
15 -M-o-X- 2021-01-27
Oof, this seemed stupid from a scan but if he really represented himself as capable of accepting their vote, yeah, I bet that is illegal.
10 loli_esports 2021-01-27
This is what he was promoting https://twitter.com/crisprtek/status/1354558401687248899?s=21
16 alphetaboss 2021-01-27
Lmao, that just seems like a 4chan level troll on the level of microwave your iphone to charge it.
9 loli_esports 2021-01-27
It was. according to some other tweet (im not gonna read the actual indictment) him getting banned by twitter was used as evidence of his wrongdoing.
6 itsnotmyfault 2021-01-27
I know people have already gone crying to police for "death threats" when they got hit by the Navy Seals copy pasta (pretty sure Wil Wheaton), so the next logical step is that someone gets charged under CFAA for advising a government boomer to "delete System32".
... someone get me a list of female congresswomen over 60 years old. I'll do it myself.
2 JimieWhales 2021-01-27
You can't even link to arrDrama on arrDrama, but that time that MasterLawlz told Wil Wheaton how pathetic he is, right to his virtual face, has got to be one of the greatest moments in internet history.
Imagine getting told you're embarrassing by zhcyiD9 himself.
2 whenweriiide 2021-01-27
Apparently people who tried texting the number got informed with a reply stating that it was a scam. This is reeted and sets a terrible precedence.
21 Corporal-Hicks 2021-01-27
They submitted as evidence him participating in the (hashtag)draftourdaughters troll campaign in 2016.
Kindof scary precedence being set here tbh
8 Homofascism 2021-01-27
Just A C C E L E R A T E.
Homofascism is around the corner, just put the medal to the metal. 😎😎😎
2 Osterion 2021-01-27
We're turning into the UK lul
2 aqouta 2021-01-27
Anyone who convinces someone to "text" their vote in is doing a public service in raising the average IQ of voters.