Corporate gambling subreddit goes private, all post history associated with it is MIA

67  2021-01-27 by DeficientRat

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e: the sub is back

It was also kicked off of Discord for “hate speech”

GME stock plummeted in the last 30 minutes

It's anti-Semitic to cause Jews to lose money

Journalist: "Somehow... This is gamergate and white nationalism's fault."

I've seen both those things posted on twitter today, also people blaming incels

And what led to Trump? GmerGte. GG led to the potential fall of multiple billion dollar hedge funds.

They targeted G*MERS

GameStop... g*mers. Coincidence I think not.

The circle is complete. Just kidding

Chucked from Discord too??

I predict when the dust settles and everyone's allowed back online, the correction will have happened and everyone will be massively pissed at the MM's/government/reddit for screwing people over again.

Edit: nvm they're back already

I predict when the dust settles and everyone's allowed back online, the correction will have happened and everyone will be massively pissed at the MM's/government/reddit for screwing people over again.

Doubting the diamond hands, good luck. The stock is still up 93 percent a day after going up a similar amount, these massive dips have been massive sells, not groups of independent investors. The short positions are still shorting if they aren't DOA and the other hedge funds are hopping in now at the smell of blood. Yesterday on the charts there was massive green bars indicating very large purchases beyond the capabilities of most independent investors (elon and Indian billionaire and a few hedge funds publicly called out GME and took positions), how you read that is up to you.

I read it like the whole thing is completely bonkers, regardless of the green candle size or what the whales are doing. There are legit tens of thousands of new users over there being like "Hi I just made a RH account and dumped $500 in GME at 1am what does it mean if my order is pending??" and there's no way that ends well long term.

One way or another though, some faction here is going to get the screwing of a lifetime so it's great drama.

yeah, was about to post this. Banned for "hate speech." Their sub is next. RIP my favorite autists.

Alexis Ohanian was making hones about WSB on his Twitter yesterday. If the co-founder of Reddit thinks it's funny, that bodes well.


So has bb.

The entire market tanked

That's not even true... today was a down day and there were some poor earnings releases at market close. Meme stocks tanked when the sub went private though because all of the mouth breathers in there panicked

Yeah I meant more generally today and there were multiple factors, fed chair, stimulus news, tesla earnings. But some are also contributing it partly to the retail push and what it means for the market. But yeah mostly meme stocks were the ones to fall when wsb went private.

I mean... nothing “tanked” other than meme stocks. A 2% dip is not tanking... it’s a poor and over-dramatic characterization

It was private for less than an hour... I knew it would generate a drama post because people are obsessed with it, users in there are like meth addicts

What if it was banned because of a rightoid fedposter raid, not because Discord is secretly taking orders from Melvin Capital? 🤔





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God, now I’ll have to suffer through boring sensible tips over at investing. 0.03% gains are not really that exiting Bob.

Is this when the meltdown starts? It feels like when the meltdown starts

Damn it, I refreshed and it was gone (also reddit is being super slow now).

Hope someone archived its front page today because it was gold.

An entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables - slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war... Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.





The mods are saying it’s because the discord was nuked and they’re trying to figure out a way to keep the sub from following.

There’s articles on CNN and Vice trying to paint it as a crypto-fash community. Vice pulled their’s but it legit compared WSB targeting hedge fund managers to Jim Crow.

the TD .lose site is trying to get them to go there. This will ruin the fun. I like my schizo gun qtards on a separate place from my loveable autist gambling addicts.

If it comes to that I hope they make their own alternative or something. Having to shack up with rightoids would be a death sentence.


Got an archived version?

I put the kettle on for it happening.

Discord says it did not ban the server for financial fraud — rather, it was banned because it continued to allow “hateful and discriminatory content after repeated warnings.”


I read about this once before in the book:

Discord caring about what happens on it servers, and other jokes you can tell yourself.

I put the kettle on for it happening.

boomer double posting again

Just like it twice

Every stock (GME NOK AMC BB) that had dozens and dozens and dozens of mentions were up 30-300% on the day.

3 million wsb Rëtards can't be wrong if they bring down a few $10 billions can they🤔

I wouldn't be surprised if this gets snuffed before Friday. I would be sad it didn't completely blow up, though.

Reddit needs to ban the sub, dramacoin can go higher.