Hell freezes over. Buckle up buckaroos, 2021 drama futures πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

1  2021-01-28 by -M-o-X-



you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago

Zodiac killer moment

Do Americans really still take that red neck riot seriously? β€˜Murdered’ lol

it's the only play they know to do. Sat on their hands and shrugged while BLM thugs rioted, looted and burned for almost a full year then some idiot boomers and trumpers storm the capital for one day while not actually burning anything or otherwise accomplishing much and they clutch their pearls at light speed.

Blm stole televisions, yall quada tried to install a dictator

When you really think about it, there's no difference between storming the capitol to kidnap politicians and install your daddy president and burning down an AutoZone in BFE.

I always thought she was unbased, who knew.

What the fuck is this shit?

ted cruz drove that cop to end it

What if the cop had kompromat on you know who? Or even better the first cop had that but now she's just doing that to pin it on repubs (and for fun)?

oh that's a lie

That's not a lie, that's ghoulish vulturism or something.

I dunno man, pretty sure this is like one of those "Clinton enemy" style "suicides"