GME is making strange bedfellows

1  2021-01-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Our threads are basically identical. May the biggest loser win.

At this point I kind of hope everyone involved loses. Unfortunately the fact of the market is some faction will come out on top.

The most dramatic option would be that the hedge funds win and then someone blows up every building on Wall Street.

There's that unity Biden promised.

Biden's playing 4d chess and he can't even remember his last move

Somehow, he has the potential of being a bigger idiot savant than Trump.

Promises made. Promises kept.™

When he broke open the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature cry out, "🦍💪💎🙌." I looked, and there was a pale green horse. Its rider was named $GME, and Radical Centrism accompanied him.

lol at Donald Junior lashing out at big corp. Aren't republicans all about giving big corp tax breaks and shitting on middle class? Go home, junior.

Yes but their voter base doesn't know/care

We deregulated big corporations and they captured sectors of government after we then put their former employees in charge of regulatory agencies. Who could have possibly foreseen this?

"You can't naked short sell like that, that's illegal!"
"You can't arbitrarly halt shares that's illegal!"
"You can't pump and dump like that that's illegal"

Guess who gutted the SEC's operating budget lol

Surely crazy antifa trojan horse Joe Biden will step in and btfo the cozy crony capitalists

Right after he finishes putting ever Trump voter in the BLM-reeducation camps.

Fuck DT Jr. But seriously asides from teddy cruz why are they so silent? The shit being done here is so anti free market. Ironically the progressives are the ones giving a shit.

Because free markets were never the actual goal.

The progressives care because they (genuinely) care about class issues. The Republicans 'care' because some of them are trying to emulate ex-DDR's faux populism and pretend to be for the little guy.

Funnily enough when it comes to policy being 'for the little guy' seems to entail deregulation, scaling back social safety net programs, and dialing back worker protections. Weird.

All of which (in the republican's case) help crony capitalists that lead to less innovation; lower wages; lower skilled work force which is also subsidized by the little social safety net in place.

That's 1/3 of the republicans in this image

Tbf shapiro isn't really defending WSB. He's upset people are mocking Wallstreet

Poor Robinhood is going to get so much bad PR from locking buying they'll surely need some taxpayer bailouts ahem, tax breaks.

Can you imagine if Congresswoman Kinkyfeet actually did go to bed with Sen. Zodiac Killer? Their spawn would be the most fucked up weird-looking person, but also it might fulfil the prophecy as the chosen one endowed from conception with the spirt of Radical Centrism.


Pretty sure Ted is a supreme gentlemen. We still don't know what beans President Trump had on his wife. Maybe he meant his 'beans'.

Lmao, this is so awful that you should get banned.

Delete this rn

See? Sleepy Joe did unite this country!

If DDR was still in charge the post election drama would still be going on and no one would notice WSB causing a small spike with GME. Since news still gotta sell, they're picking up all the other drama that would normally get buried in the last 4 years.

No news, no bandwagon, less volatility, less drama.

If DDR was still in charge

WSB causing a small spike with GME.

DDR still in charge

I thought this had nothing to do with Drumpf?

Trump derangement syndrome is still around

Power to the Players.

I love this timeline.

I can't even

Missing the tweet where she replies to Ted that he tried to have her killed in the capital sit-in that happened, lmao.

She needs to get over things that happened a week ago and learn to live in the present.

Imagine being stuck in the past dude weed lmao

dramacoin at the highest it's ever been.

This is all just dementia daddy 2: the dementianings plan to unite the country. Q predicted this

RobinHood is taking all the heat but pretty much every trading firm stopped it today. This was coordinated.

Robinhood was the only one that stopped it for the entire day though. WeBull and all the others opened it back up once it stabilized which is why the price began climbing back up.

Even after all the bad publicity Robinhood wasn’t going to let anybody with more than four GME shares buy more until less than an hour ago.