Apparently an actual Vice reporter tried to pop into /pol/ to do a QA about what their involvement in this right now and it rapidly turned into 2008 /b/

1  2021-01-29 by caliberoverreaching


Vice has the perfect opportunity to fight against the system and they want to paint WSB as /pol/ lmao. This thread should be spammed on every dumbass tweet they make.

Lol, you really think that's someone from Vice News?

It's more fun if I do

fair point

They have overlap.

Only if you're rrarrted. /pol/ also overlaps with antifa in that they are both people that are neet larpers, but no one is going to accuse them of being the other.

I don't see any proof, so this was low effort bait.


She's the one who wrote the article about AOC's feet and made me famous for 15 minutes. Forever grateful for that but she refused to send me a photo of her feet because of ethics in journalism.

I messaged u jokes_on_you, who helped me debunk the faked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez foot pic last year, if he'd be willing to lend his trained eyes to the investigation of Bezos' feet. He asked me to send my own foot pics in exchange for information, which in a non-journalistic context might be a fair price to ask. But according to Motherboard editor-in-chief Jason Koebler, trading quid-pro-quo foot pics with a source would "set a bad precedent."

lol nice

i remember that i think we peaked as a subreddit then.

lawlz and wil slapfight tho

Pool's closed

Obvious bait


Long thread. Did Samantha deliver the goods?

actual Vice reporter

Hullo, fallow stonk barters. Is me! Event scribe!

Samantha is hot


Isnt the vice founder an unironic /pol/tard nowadays?

no they didnt you fucking 12 year old