Why is shorting Redditors so easy?

1  2021-01-29 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

MelvinCapitalLove is being brigaded by angry seethers


Puts on Burgers.

This whole thing makes me sad tbh. Three days ago it was a fun thing that was getting a little out of hand and might be profitable. Now it's attracted millions of seething sub-r-slurred first timers, probably fucked up wsb culture irreparably, and turned the fun memes into a wave of white-hot, greasy Amerifat rage. I don't want to listen to more revolutionary posturing and politicope and class warfare diatribes, I just want gif edits and loss porn.

The good news is that this army of newcomers are all signing up to lose their shirts on something r-slurred, and when they do it'll be glorious. The wsb livethreads have had hundreds of comments the last two days asking which app they should use to buys a stock, and the ones who don't end up bagholding gme will inevitably try something else. Maybe it's time to start a LoveforNakedOptions?

lol I read a comment in there asking if they were allowed to set their own sell price on their stocks

For a while I was cataloguing my favorites for a collage, but they're all so samey and it lost its appeal. These two are pretty funny. I'm gearing up for all the posts about "help, how do you sell a stock share?" if and when the squeeze actually occurs.


I wish I'd saved the thread but it's gone in the abyss. Over a dozen upvotes on a comment asking what it means that the buy order they just put in is marked "pending" and why that would be.

It was posted at 1am.

I told the mods months ago that they needed to start banning anybody who doesn’t know how options work. Now look where we’re at.

To be fair I think a lot of posters there didn't mess with options; I just enjoyed the shitposts and hot takes on the ticker of the week.

I guess I should have clarified that I meant people who ask how options work. It’s not supposed to be pirate slash babysfirststock, and now it’s flooded with people who don’t have any idea what’s going on.


Seething all the way to the bank 😤

You need to make up your mind on if the whatever really was the friends you made along the way, chum.

Did the jannies seriously remove your comment there

you what now?

this izza first i heard of it

They nuked your c*** s***** d***** post

...because of the d-word? that's unexpected.

do you think it was real jannies or super jannie admins? why would they do that and not tell me?

It says "comment removed by moderator" so I assume it was our heckin wholesome pirate slash drama jannies, but I don't know what it says if a paid super jannie does it.

probably fucked up wsb culture irreparably

This tbh. 😔 There's not a lick of potentially-edited phone app screenshots on the front page.

Love for shorts

All those words, and you didn't say a word about the problem of derivatives trading or the intentional manipulation of markets that hold people's pension and retirement funds.

Thought you were smarter than that.

the intentional manipulation of markets that hold people's pension and retirement funds.

pretty sure nobody wants to bring that up right now

Any pension that invests in hedge funds is going to blow up at some point, it’s just a matter of when. At this point in time there are no less than six pension managers suing (using them as an example since they’re completely divorced from these current events) Allianz alone because their “all-weather” funds exploded last year.

Acting like this is posing some unique danger to pension managers r-slurred enough to keep investing in hedge funds, let alone those that are known for infinite-risk strategies, is pretty r-slurred itself.




problem of derivatives trading

Are you one of those idiots that wants to severely curtail derivatives trading? You do realize that will just end up being corporate welfare, right?

Yes i am, speculative derivatives trading is a huge disaster that's not nearly regulated well enough


Corporate boards all over the US thank you for your service.


The 2008 Recession would like to have a word with you.

Oh, so you'd like to grow an even larger speculative bubble, then?

I would prefer the world economy to be stable and efficient in providing for all.


Well, banning derivatives trading wouldn't accomplish that. In fact, it would probably just end up benefitting a different set of rich assholes. There needs to be more regulation, but anyone trying to pin the blame on derivatives themselves is missing the forest for the trees.

anyone trying to pin the blame on derivatives themselves is missing the forest for the trees.

strongly disagree Prove me wrong

Elizabeth Warren seems to share your mentality. Let's take a list at some of her top 10 political donors:

#2 - Alphabet Inc

#3 - Apple Inc

#6 - Amazon.com

#8 - Microsoft Corp

Oh, hey, what do you know? Those are the four largest companies in the US in terms of market cap.

at this time, appl and tsla are the worst.

Ignoring the wsb children, and gme

The market will correct




Not in terms of market capitalization.


market capitalization is a stupid metric to judge a company on.

It never lasts, and is bullshit in the first place.

market capitalization is a stupid metric to judge a company on

What? I'm talking about companies who would probably see higher long term market caps if derivatives trading were banned.

It never lasts

It will last much longer if you go and fucking ban derivatives altogether.

Edit: You're effectively proposing that we remove the capacity to bet against market valuations. In what world do you think that would lead to these blue chips crumbling?!


You're effectively proposing that we remove the capacity to bet against market valuations.

Yes. It is supposed to be against the rules already, but the rules aren't strong enough and not enough people have been charged for it and put in jail

The 2008 "Great Recession" wouldn't have happened if not for that.




When have all derivatives been against the rules? Short-selling has been legal for a very long time.

Never have they all been against the rules. However debates over how, and to what extent rage about and when and who people should be allowed to gamble.

Because it can be very dangerous. Just consider lotteries and casinos. Consider how much they are regulated and required licensing and ever ongoing debate about if and how that is.


LoveForWallStreet is the thing we should be doing. That is general enough to have bags of material while still enraging the normies.

Banned 4 months ago, anyone want to petition the chadmins?


Big business actually hates short sellers more than normal people do since your company loses big time if it gets shorted. I feel like normies hate all type of finance professionals equally.

I feel dumber having gone and looked at that sub. That's like 6th grade trolling.




You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


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Communists and neo-Nazis don't know shit about the stock market. Whodathunk?