1  2021-01-29 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


I feel like a lot of people will be joining reddit soon and that's good for dramacoin. Especially when the $GME bubble pops and confused people are left holding the bag lol

step 1) autismos mass buy GME stock, screwing over the hedge fund shorts

step 2) lured by media attention, normies swarm in and join the buying frenzy

step 3) autismos quietly sell their shares to the normies, cashing out their winnings

step 4) the bubble bursts and normies left holding the bag

Is this the real 4D chess?

autismos quietly sell their shares to the normies, cashing out their winnings

Have you been on wsb lately? These "people" aren't very bright


?Hey retards, I missed you all. Glad to be back online after my year long hiatus. I've been to rehab, I've lost custody of my kids, lost my house. However I still found a way to play. I've been shoulder to shoulder with all of you through this mess. I've been hammering way OTM weekly calls in volume. This is the most fun I've ever had.

Through the madness of this past week of trading I've managed to claw my way back from oblivion. $GME has done a couple 10 baggers for me this week alone. I love you all and I'm happy to see you all again. So many new faces. I'm proud of each and every one of you.

I'm currently holding about $50,000 in calls on $SLV ..and $15,000 in OTM weeklies on $GME. Rookie numbers I know, but I just got my legs back. I'll be running again in no time.


At some point between rehab and his you know, kids and house your figure he would stop. To the moon lmao

It's frightening that he reproduced at all

Hopefully they are his wife's boyfriend's

They probably have a new dad by now 🤷🏿‍♂️


The fact that some of them bought in early and are currently holding onto 5,6 and even 7 figure profits that are refusing to sell, taking a huge risk that everything will work out is both insanely stupid and the only reason this might work. Truly only WSB autists could pull this off and the vast majority of them are still coming out of this burned.

I have to wonder how many people there are pushing this hold, selling at surges and then buying the dips.

Not only that but the autismos can make even more money off of the stock when it goes back down. Lifetime supply of tendies!

The best will be loss rages when they think WSBs' next pick will be as successful.

PRPL flashbacks

I've noticed reddit servers were shitting the bed constantly for the past day or so.

In all honestly I'll be surprised if they don't purge WSB at some point once the balloon pops. I wonder where all the new folks will go

Hello, fellow Redditor!...It is I! (not the father of DaySee)... My computer is broken so I'm using my phone (thats why it says at the bottom of my emails.)..😉 Can You Please Tell Me when we all plan to pump up the Drama Coin? #fightthepower

Get in, we're going to the moon!

M-O-O-N, that spells MOON!

It can't make the place any worse.


Most upvoted posts reach popular

Not on Drama they don't. Fuck u Madmins.

It's a blessing in disguise tho.

We haven't had a non-homegrown lolcow in months.

We've outsourced our lolcow farming to L4L and its various affiliates though.


  • dude
  • bussy
  • lmao

reaching homepage

The horror. Better them than us.

Their sub count went up another million just since yesterday. RIP.

Even for boomer CNBC, this should be embarassing.

People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD



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It's good they explained these things else no one would ever know the secret to wsb success.

eta: I was flipping through popular last night and it's all wsb stuff so RIP that sub.

Dafuq is ahr Popular?

It's the "advertiser friendly" version of ahr all