People are pissing money into dogecoin amid the 'investing' frenzy

1  2021-01-29 by duckraul2

Social media 'investing' frenzy has reached the point that a massive pump and dump of dogecoin has been going on for 2 days now. It seems largely botted by new accounts on wsb and dogecoin subs, but its fucking hillarious to watch. They're even using the 'buy and hold' narrative for a coin that has infinite supply lmao. By tomorrow or in a few days there's gonna be a lot of very sad/angry and broke people crying about this.


Lmao I put some money into dogecoin and walked away with a nice $6k profit two minutes later.

It was insanely glitchy though. An hour after I sold it all Robinhood disappeared all the money I had put into it for no reason until I blew up their customer service.

I made some off of those rslurs too for fun, think several hundred on like 10$ of doge I had for memes when it was in the .001 range and swung a couple price moves with that. I'm donating it all to my real doge vis a vie board and train for his aggression issues.

Wait I think I have some doge coin from that bot few years ago.. How and where do I cashout?

I dunno, I used Robinhood.

I have 60 coins at some address apparently and the bot is dead smh my head

60 coins is like a couple dollars anyways so it’s no big loss.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. People are pissing money into dogec... -,*

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