New York politicians fall for obvious bait, in which a random troll account swaps a few words in a quote by Maxine Waters

1  2021-01-29 by TheColdTurtle


God politicians are dumb as fuck.

The only thing worse are kids of renowned politicians. Each generation is basically amplifying rslurness to a power of at least two, see DDR -> DDR Jr.

The Cuomo brothers' dad was hot shit, so they have been coasting on the name their whole life and are just absolute butt.

I dunno, Rand Paul seems slightly less r-slurred than his incredibly r-slurred father. Maybe they are the exception that proves the rule or something.

God no, Rand is just his dad combined with the GOP. Similar bluster but then bends over and spreads for em.

Are you actually complaining that he shows bussy on this subreddit? Tsk-tsk, that's just shameful.

No, he spreads for them, not me. :(

I feel your pain, bro.

Rand is trash compared to his father. Smaller dick too!

In contrast, you have Hunter, a global corporate governance and Amtrak expert. He’s got more presidential material than his father.

I honestly can't tell if the comments are satire or not, that usually means they're not.

A lot of them are real new York officials

One of them sits on the same committee as maxine


Oh good, I assume they also said the same thing in response to mommy Maxine's comments.

May G-d give the Eastern Seaboard its rightful due

Scroll through this Cuomo staffer's feed, he's retweeted at least a dozen legislators who are outraged by the original tweet.

Twittersphere is long due for a "Neo-Nazi or SJW" kind of game.

StormfrontorSJW is unironically one of my favorite boards.

Too bad it's basically dead anymore.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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This is the first thread I saw when I woke up this afternoon. Feels good man