2021 Is the Year of the Jannie - Time

1  2021-01-29 by itsnotmyfault


I'll have you know that this is my second Time magazine award.

Get on my level, peasants.

This is your brain on l*wyer.

After all these years, of doing it for free; are the jannies finally going to get the recognition they so desire?!

Recognition that includes a cash bonus of $0

But at least do you get respect, enjoyment or admiration from your users?

Should we tell xir?

Yo I just got off the phone with satan, dudes freezing his ass off.


Jannies are gonna be 2021 Time Person of the Year, aren't they?

Its only a matter of time before hollywood makes a janny drama

Lawlz receives the first, and only, positive recognition of his life.

Hey he had a couple stickies that were pretty funny over the years

I'll grant him Wil Wheaton.

Yea. I know the context of it being Lawlz makes it funnier. But even without it being Lawlz even a normie dunking on him would be praise worthy

IIRC all that happened was that Wil briefly replied to a ping Lawlz had made, but for some reason people in this sub think Lawlz won some epic battle between Dramaland and the Forces of Woke.

Sure, but name another autistic on this sub that achieved even that much, aside our millionaire mod?

Billionaire Bod


ya but tbf, wil was really buttmad about it, i think he even went off and cried about it on his blog later

People have such low expectations of Masterlawlz that the idea he could bait anyone into a tantrum is hilarious. Also Wil Wheaton had a cry on his blog afterwards




Zozbot never lies.

I got got smh

Lmao ‘why won’t someone censor these events!! They do it for free anyways, where are they when we actually need them! My friends short positions are struggling, won’t someone moderate society! We cant just let things happen’

On the Internet, m*derators wield immense power: on many of the most important sites and platforms, they set the rules for participation, they can delete objectionable posts, and, in the most extreme cases, ban users altogether. Of course, m*derators have long existed in the offline world—lawmakers, p*lice, and the courts can all be understood to be the executors of a kind of m*deration power.

Bruh no. Stop writing.



Adam Driver on estrogen

Baby Driver with hearing

Jannies are really the oppressed ppl of the internet

Stab my in the eye so I don't have to see this shit holy fuck

and what was Biden’s victory to begin with, if not the majority of American voters screaming “mods!!!!”


They do it for the Presidential Medals of Freedom.