The biggest scam of the decade is happening right now.

1  2021-01-29 by AugustinesBitchBoy

I know a lot of you r-slurs probably bought at 300+ and are going to be pissed about this but WSB scammed a bunch of plebs into believing in something they knew absolutely nothing about a week ago. Now riding the back of populist politicians, convincing thousands that they knew how to play the stock market better than the boomers.

Everyone just getting in now is about to lose a lot of money... and that's a good thing.


Anybody deciding to get in at what is probably the peak deserves to lose money.

i bought 1 share at 304 and sold at 322, but I'm a bit of a pro trader myself so dont try this at home 😎

B-but the self proclaimed rslur told me the stonk was going to 35,000 if I just did my part :(

I just assume all of the new posts from people saying theyre throwing 300k into the stock (as of an hour ago) are full of shit.

The burden of proof that any of these people are actually doing what they say they are doing is left to tiny little screenshots of some numbers and not much else.

Best case scenario the people getting in now break even, worst case scenario WSB has to sticky suicide hotline numbers of the top of their sub for a few days.


worst case scenario WSB has to sticky suicide hotline numbers of the top of their sub for a few days.

That wouldn't be even half as bad as 2018 crypto crash tbh. Now that was a good suifuel.

Looking at BTC price the next crypto crash is going to be even juicier.

Guys hear me out: I don't think some of those people have πŸ’Ž 🀲's like at all.

I get the sense that the smart dumb money all cashed out at any one of the climbs this last week. At this point we're seeing mostly religious fanatics, dunning-kreuger first-timers, and liars, some of whom are pushing πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ either maliciously or in hopes of securing greater fools. The fallout is going to be great. I kinda wish that the politicunts weren't all trying to get clout out of this but it's been a slow news day since πŸŠβ™‚οΈ got yeeted.

This reminds me almost exactly of the #HodlGang dudes who kept pushing rslurs to hold the bag for them during the second BTC peak of 2017. You know for a fact that anyone smart was starting to sell in batches by the time it hit 5k.

In hindsight, that may have been the wrong decision.

Maybe, but with how volatile the market is and how insecure crypto wallets/exchanges tended to be, I for one would have sold almost everything at 5-10k if I had been holding tons of BTC for years. Especially after missing the first peak in 2013.

Wtf are diamond hands?

People say they have diamond hands to cope with holding a shitty overvalued stock that's tanking.


Notice how all week there were about 10 new posts a minute on WSB now on closing just now theyre posting new stuff every 5 minutes. I suspect what needed to be invested in was mop manufacturing to help soak up all the tears being shed right now.

This is what's so great about browsing WSB. It doesn't matter what anyone else believes this is about. All that stuff about taking it to the (((rich))) doesn't make it any more or less entertaining when I'm looking at the gain porn. It won't make it any less entertaining when I look at the loss porn in a week. Literally just free drama.

If you question the $GME uprising, you are a counter-revolutionary and will be dealt with as an enemy of the people.

If you bought in at $300, you're probably not smart or plugged in enough to gamble with real money.

That being said, $1,000 still seems possible. Short float is 121% right now. Make no mistake, they really are absolutely bleeding money right now. But it is true that there are a lot of people holding bags right now that don't know it.

Those shorts are gonna print at some point even with 80% borrow rate. This ain't TSLA and we all know who's gonna blink first.

Short sellers are scabs!

I bought a single AMC stock and a single Nokia, just to say I did. Never bought stock before, and don’t think I plan to again. Shit is waaaay too risky to me.

Yep, seeing lots of plebs buy at 300 when the main people bought at 50 something. Preparing for the new wave of tears I am.

Have you thought about the idea of shutting your fucking mouth?

You're gunna be a millionaire hodor, you just need to put your savings in at 300!

The house always wins.

Fun fact: GME's earning per share is $-5.38. People are paying >$300 for something which loses more than five bucks per year.