Admins call out dramatards

1  2021-01-30 by jewdanksdad


Remember Digg? Remember when it started sucking? Why?

A redesign lol.

Few people remember these days. It's all zoomers nowadays.

4.0 days, fark days, slashdot days

Tatsuma is the online end boss of Zionism.

Kevin Rose is a bastard man

Redesigns hurt when there are alternatives

Yeah, if something came to kill reddit I would be happy, but this it now. There will be no alternative. Sites are getting broken into tribal shitholes, and I dont see that getting better.

Reddit was just a singular tech forum when it started.

With cat pics; but those are a given.

I hear all the cool people are migrating to to build a community around 60% discounts

Donald Trump supporters used so-called "dark web" forums and others like 4chan to plot the details around the Capitol Hill insurgency

Holy fuck this is an embarrassing article. They didn't even mention how the L337 H4XX0R /b/ was spotted irl during the riot.

Uh, you missed the even more embarrassing previous line.

The Reddit community describes itself as "Like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal illness."

This is a professional journalist.

WSB didn't describe itself that way?

Not with illness lmao

oh, because i kind of thought it was clever wordplay when i thought they did

now that i know it's cnbc, i find it utterly repellent

Go to WSB and read the current description. Bet u gonna feel dumb

I refuse to use css

opens it on mobile site

Nope, "illness" not there. But reddit's redesigns and inconsistencies are a mess so idk.

They started to recently

I saw. lmfao.

ahh that famous hacker 4chan

I've seen that in a couple of articles this past week. I think somebody was making a joke and it just got passed around as true afterwards. It was used in that positive-spun Bloomberg article on Monday or Tuesday

the "dark web" that is the .win domain.




It's not even conflating dark web with deep web; it's just flat-out wrong.

Deep web website pirate slash drama

“Daily Active Shitheads”.

“Actors that prevent other Redditors from enjoying their experience”.

Some non-defective people have talked to me (it’s true!) about reddit a few times, and it definitely wasn’t the heckin’ slur users that made them delete their accounts.

The “Big chungus says t-slur rights” memes are ruining the experience for me.

Do something about it Huffman.

why did it have to be fucking baby talk. the language of the future could have been anything.

we could have just all started talking with outrageous accents or something, it'd be so much better. anything would have been better.

i think imma start wavering between folksy southern and cockney

Slooshy here my droog, keep yer neezhnies on and be the change you'd viddy.

well izzit, innit

Show me your wife's tits again

Show me your wife's tits again

I told her, "every two weeks, like clockwork". And here we are again.

Did you not save the pictures?

wtf people enjoy their Reddit experience?

I had a college tell me how much he enjoys reading fan theories on reddit.

r shittyfantheories actually has some quality fun posts. The "shitty" and circlejerk subs are always better than the ones they parody. Ultimately, only one of the pair is self-aware.


As CEO of a social media company, Huffman has had to deal with balancing censorship with free speech

OH yeah, they've been thinking really hard about balance lately 🙄

Should be balancing each sub ban by banning the opposite sub. Down it in pairs, conservative and politics. Ahs ahc. Etc

Does anyone else feel like we are entering a societal shift into a more victorian-esque society where people are always polite and correct to ridiculous extremes? Hopefully it will swing back round back to the glorious degeneracy of the 90’s and 2000s.

victorian-esque society where people are always polite and correct to ridiculous extremes

What do you mean? People laughed at r-slurs back then, today’s humor is literally in a worse place.

Jannies, this is your chadmin, your boss.

Think about this guy next time you're working for free

Honestly why didn't they just ban this place instead wasting their time putting a bunch of dumb restrictions? Not like there's enough of us to justify a containment sub.

They secretly like our low-tier garbage but can't appear to be having an affair.

They assume we're all sadomasichests like them.

Because this place never really did anything wrong and just used the site features and said bad words.

Huffman, Alexis Ohanian (now married to tennis star Serena Williams) and Aaron Swartz, who passed away at 26 in 2013, started Reddit in 2005 with backing from Y! Combinator founder Paul Graham. The original intent of the company was to function as the front page of the Internet.

Somebody's been sleeping through their online coding courses.

You may think you're hot stuff, the Fred Astaire of this topic — but if you're Fred Astaire, I'm Ginger Rogers: Anything you can do, I can do — backwards, without looking, and in high heels.

You're a computer systems engineer? Wow! Have you publicly called out the CEO of Intel for the untrustability of their encryption blackbox silicon? Have you explained at an ELI5 level the feasibility and utility of peer-to-peer communications network routing? How about explaining fast fourier transforms to a college kid? These are just the things in computer science I've been gilded for. That doesn't count the parts where I picked up the comment of an actual climate scientist that demolishes every single claim made in your oldest gilded comment. Or the two years worth of reddit gold other people gifted me just for being the flagbearer of that comment. That doesn't cover where I kneecapped a transphobe's Loaded Question in an AMA in /r/science. Oh, and then there was the one where I explained morphological diversity and the evolutionary basis of intelligence in Aves and Mammalia.

And those are just the gilded comments.

That doesn't cover the comments where I haven't been gilded, like when I shredded the methodology of a trash poll conducted to produce misleading public support figures on the question of whether trans people ahould be allowed to use a restroom.

The thing is, that once someone has been a scientist, they never stop being a scientist. They never stop thinking rationally and critically. They tear apart obvious bullshit with ease after years of doing peer review with actual scientists, after working with their advisors and departments to produce a worthwhile and defensible doctoral thesis, even.

Your most recent gilded comment is a regurgitation of a Stormfront / White Supremacist blogosphere talking-points memo, which in turn was based on a bullshit misread of a statistical publication, by conflating causation with correlation.

And no, my capslock key isn't stuck; I prised it off my keyboard two decades ago so that I would have to be cognisant of holding Shift with my pinky while typing, so that I wouldn't accidentally hose up Windows 2000 source code. Every capitalised letter I write is intentional.

I have no more time to play slapbox with you.


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This has to be my favorite one. Lardbinn acting like getting fake awards on his fucking Reddit comments actually means something to normal people in the real world will never get old.

SRS does everything Huffman says is bad in the article.

honk honk I guess.



"But what about SRS?"


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