So... Did the reWards at WSB "won" or nah?

1  2021-01-30 by CantWakeUpJPG

Someone tell me for I'm too lazy to check it myself. Thx


Depends on how you define "win"

WSB definitely fucked up the initial "bad guy" hedgie analysts at Citron.

WSB tards who actually got in early are definitely making money off FOMO-addled bag holders who are getting in during the last few days.

So if you think winning is just loudly fucking shit up and making some cash while you're at it, then yeah they've pretty much won.

But if your win conditions include some sort of political or structural change then no, the autists haven't won (and likely won't).

Tune in Monday and find out!

It depends on whether or not the hedge funds get bailed out again. For now WSB cost them billions of dollars so I'd consider that a win.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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I mean Melvin, the initial shorting firm, lost literally billions and had to sell a big chunk of their firm for cash to cover their losses. Citron, the analyst group who publicized it has stopped publishing shit about shorting in general.

So depends on what you consider a win condition.

They won but that doesn’t mean they’re rich