Blue Check Homes: Get a Verified Blue Badge on your home

1  2021-01-30 by JimieWhales


Night of long blue checks, when?

But unironically Mienkraft

For context, I’m an artist who makes random internet jokes that sometimes pokes fun of “let’s turn this into a service” culture, internet vanity culture, and terrible capitalist ideas. Historically, decorative crests found on Victorian homes were a mark to signal wealth and importance and I thought it would be dumb if that concept also existed today. But if it existed today, would you need to be verified by a third party to signal status? Here’s the origin of the joke.

I learned something today... makes this that much more hilarious

Actual art that.

Actually wanting one of these is so cringe. Almost as bad as applying to join Mensa.

At least Mensa doesn't cost $3000

dues add up

That's some expensive nerd club

Mensa is basically a dungeons and dragons convention without the dungeons and dragons

This is genius.

So is this real? It's somewhere in between real and fake. Anyone can craft something out of plaster. Anyone can apply to be verified. Anyone can make a landing page. Is there an entity involved and is this being rolled out across Bay Area neighborhoods? No.

If you thought this was a full-fledged service, please investigate the things you read on the internet!

Darn. But, looks like she's turned other jokes in to businesses so maybe we'll see this eventually after all.

Seems like an artist worth following

Good way to get your house vandalized.

"Rob me"


Fucking wrong!