It took them a few days, but CNN finally figured out how to spin the Gamestop story to make it acceptable.

277  2021-01-31 by [deleted]



According to the last CNN article, this kid is also a Trump supporting piece of shit


He sold at 320$, paper hands. His parents should be ashamed

wants to reinvest $1000 in to Roblox

He's already targeting the meme stocks; occasionally wsb gets lucky but probably won't be long until the account is zeroed out.


TBF if he was then that would be a pretty shitty 10 year old.

The 10 year olds downvoting LOL

10 year olds rabidly caring about any politician might not be getting bullied enough.

It's so true. If there was a trump supporting 10 year old, fuck that kid.

Let's be honest most trump mongrels aren't smarter than the average 10 year old but a trump tard at 10 is a lost cause. A regrettable abortion. A drain on the future gene pool. With luck he could be an anti vax kid, but still. Ya feel me dawg?

The seething passing off as dramaposting, lmao

Meta Drama


Kwanza isn't real

He actually was a historical figure.

I never get anything for Kwanzaa 😭


I'm half black. From the waist down.

You're always walking away from your kids?

I run

Trumpism helped a Black kid getting rich. Sounds about right.

Good job, CNN. I refused to pay attention until I saw a black man on my screen and now I realize the market was racist and fucking it over is good for BLM.

Honey, it's time for your skin color to be trotted out and politicized!

Source: am black