For those who don't know, this woman is a trainwreck in motion. This week will turn up some interesting us govermental action about this, but she's an utter train wreck

66  2021-02-01 by wellletsee


Ah, MTG. Honestly she may be a candidate for Queen of drama 2021

I've said before she reminded me of Michele Bachmann, but now at this point she makes Bachmann seem almost sane

It's a whole new level of crazy

As society descends into greater and greater madness the loons of old seem agreeable

Yup. Compared to Trump, even W seems agreeable.

Do the people in the district that voted her in actually give much of a shit about her? Didn't she win on technicality?

Looking into it real quick, her opponent in the general unofficially withdrew, but her primary was real. Her district is probably safe enough Republican that the primary is what really matters.

Ah yes, joo-ish space lasers lady. A perfect charicature of the future of the DDR party. I approve.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. For those who don't know, this woma... -,*

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She single?
