Inside the making of Fallout: The Frontier — the ambitious 7-year fan project up in flames over a pedo brony dev, a sex slave named America, sex with underground lizard people, an underage character, & much more

146  2021-02-01 by JanetYellensFuckboy

Upfront warning: this audio interview is a bit dry and niche. That said, it's a great firsthand account into a shitshow 7 years in the making which upended an entire passionate community. Perhaps do a search for "Fallout The Frontier" here and on YouTube first.

New interview with the devs, in which they try to explain all their weird sex pervert stuff:
(also 👀 the comments for the entire community outraged & debating)

Recap: After much hype of this being the most ambitious released mod of all time, complete with a 35-hour long campaign, after a release which crashed the entire website; hyped-up, passionate Fallout mod enthusiasts discovered a terribly-written story full of fetish stuff. This includes:

  • an outed pedophile dev/artist of underage My Little Pony porn, which he slipped into the game (plot twist: >!he was actually a scapegoat!< !)

  • making a barely-18-year-old girl your sex slave where she calls you "master" (or else she kills herself)

  • aforementioned girl mentioning her stinky feet while she's at it

  • a girl stated to be underage obsessed with sex in multiple ways (covered in video)

  • you can fuck underground lizard people

  • you can fuck a deathclaw (by selecting the dialogue option "I'm a sick fuck I like a quick fuck.")

  • you can fuck a lot of people and things

  • a lot of awkward dialogue about fucking in general

  • a rape-slavery plotline interwoven with comedy

  • a woman who loves her dog "a little too much"

  • actual Orange Man Bad dialogue with the Leigon and Enclave factions (DDR existed in this fictional universe that diverged in the '50s and is being talked about in 2281)

The interviewer pulls no punches with his questions either. And, of course, /v/ fanned the flames and milked lolcows out of it.

Correction: /v/'s reaction might have been understated


Imagine being so r-slurred that not only do you spend 7 years waiting on an mod for a vidya gaem, you spend any amount of time trying to decipher the inane ramblings of the people who spent 7 years making the damn thing.

spend 7 years waiting on an mod for a vidya gaem

Half Life Black Mesa would like to have a word.

As a g-mer I'd be okay with rounding up all g-mers


That video was half distilled autism and half brain cancer, I couldn't finish it.

I still don't get what the fuss is about other than the one mod and his degenerate loli cartoons or something. All the other shit the didgeridoo guy was whining about just sounds like interesting game mechanics or a good attempt at dark humor. That bit about the speech check that flips your expectations sounds pretty clever ngl.

How was he able to play Disco Elysium with that chip on his shoulder? Or take Wasteland 3 for example, I'm playing that right now and you can fuck a goat in that game. How did he make it through that without having a panic attack?

The first 8 minutes of this are a pretty good recap:

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Inside the making of Fallout: The F... -,*

  2. -,*

  3. fetish stuff -,*

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I'm sure at least one of these devs have

wait, so i checked out v and they seem to say everything went to shit because of discord tr00ns but then there is this

Yeah that's how the one dev was outed. Devs went on /v/ to brag about their work in what sounds like borderline taunting and in response, /v/ found one artist's post about moving his MLP porn art to another site that "allows NSFW stuff involving minors".

That person was assumed to have inserted the fetish stuff but the devs now admit that's the opposite of the truth; the pedo brony only made some Pip-Boy icons. It was the others who put all the creepy sex pervert stuff into the mod.

No project is safe anymore.

you can fuck underground lizard people

finally, g*mers are creating the content i have been demanding for years

The funniest thing is that when they speak, they prolonged the "sssssssound" in places where it makes no sense: insfead of "wordssss," they speak like "ssssswords".

It's much less fun than it sounds.

The funny bit is that it should still be available as a torrent. Seed that shit widely!
