this spergout brought to you by the heckin wholesomerino billionaires at Melvin Capital Management

100  2021-02-01 by Funkyduffy


I like how he hits on every option except the obvious one

One time I asked if there was an undiscovered personality disorder that led people to take everything they see at face value, and then someone told me that was pretty much just autism and the world made sense again.

I still think it's a gen z thing.

Teenagers have trouble recognizing satire but not stuff that’s this obvious

Because if he considers that, then he will also have to consider the possibility that he's a massive r-slurred f-slur for clutching his pearls so hard over obvious 🎣 like this.

A redditor cannot let that happen.

You'd think after the nth iteration of Love for X, they'd figure it out. It's almost like begging them to figure it out with the level of absurdity.

When they're stupid, they just let you do it.

A lot of this crowd are brand new to Reddit.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens when GME ends red today.

When the idea was proposed for L4L here, I thought it was a good idea but ultimately it would only last for a month or so tops before everyone would quit falling for such remarkably obvious bait but it and its affiliates keep on giving and continue to be a great way for dramautists to make their impact on this site.


By far the best bait sub right now. There are so many reddit drones that believe even the worst baits are unironic.

This entire subreddit is a little bit like walking through a financial Alice in Wonderland on LSD.

I can't figure out if you're trying to knowingly spread propaganda to make people unironically think billionaires are starving to death and that the Reddit community, most of which either has nothing to do with WSB or is going to lose their shirts because they collaborating and thus can't share their profits, is somehow richer and better off than they already know they aren't; or if this entire subreddit is some false-flag by a WSB prankster trying to make people hate the hedge funds more than they already do; or if the sub is exactly what it claims to be and the people running it are simply so clueless as to think this stuff and the paid astroturfers here are actually going to make people feel sorry for them.

And the autobot that replies to nearly every post? This whole place has that... carnival over the top feel to it.

I certainly hope nobody is paying a firm for this. If so, they should be fired immediately.

What’s interesting is that they keep circling back to WSB in their justifications as to why it can’t be bait. Lots of comments along the lines of: “it can’t be satire, none of the mods here are from WSB”.

How that makes ANY sense and isn’t like a logical non-sequitur idk, but it seems to be a major point for them.