Martin Shkreli returns to his Internet home with $GME analysis, dabs on 7 million new r-slurred haters

77  2021-02-01 by ibankercel

Generating a lot of rhymes-with-teething, naturally. Can't ๐Ÿ”—


At the same time, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced that Shkreli had agreed to an order that would bar him from the securities industry in order to settle a pending SEC administrative action against him, however, Shkreli is eligible to apply for readmission to the industry subject to applicable laws and regulations governing the process


If this is real, I've never cared much for this guy. He comes off the wrong way, has been barred from the business and is sitting in jail because of his fuckups. But this is reasonable:

So, it's understandably quite exciting to finally feel like a 'player' that you read about. To be a part of 'something'. The problem is the media is goading you to be somewhere between a lemming and a life-agnostic but impotent jihadist. Blowing yourself up won't impress anyone, and there is no afterlife here, other than a minimum wage career and mom's sofa. GME and shorting in general is small potatos in the scheme of the Wall St. machine. Don't worry about getting 'even' with the rich. That's jousting at a windmill that will waste your energy.

Maybe he's gained a few wisdom points while he had time to think about things in jail.

At least comment in the thread. What the fuck is this amateur hour?


The moralizing of the situation is so funny. No one really knows what they're talking about but it doesn't matter because the people they're talking to don't know either.

WSB used to pretend they had no idea what they were doing while at least having some knowledge of the basics at a minimum. Now itโ€™s full of complete r-slurs

A love4scapers mod should shoot him an invite

Mod him pls

YES! I'd be shocked if the mods didn't invite him at some point. But even then, it wouldn't be a bad idea be to pester remind him with re-invitation messages until it happens

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Martin Shkreli returns to his Inter... -,*

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