63 2021-02-01 by wellletsee
67 Lysis10 2021-02-01
If I were still an employee, I'd be willing to sacrifice my dignity for celebrating Trump day in exchange for paid time off.
13 ballrot 2021-02-01
You can still take a day off, King
23 ArachnoLibrarian 2021-02-01
Imagine not knowing all female dramatards 🤭☺️😰
9 -Kite-Man- 2021-02-01
it's not like you don't already do it for mlk day right?
12 Lysis10 2021-02-01
You euros get like 50 holidays a year. Employees here get like 5. They can take all they can get.
33 Zero5urvivers 2021-02-01
Not a cult btw.
28 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2021-02-01
That will pass as soon as they they overturn roe v wade and repeal the 2nd amendment.
26 -M-o-X- 2021-02-01
Anyone who thinks any of the last ten Presidents are the greatest of all time should be launched into the sun.
23 Zero5urvivers 2021-02-01
Indirectly insulting Lyndon “Big Dick” Johnson
13 red1dragon588 2021-02-01
LBJ isn’t one of the last 10 presidents so it’s ok
I appreciate him whipping his dick out in meetings tho, definitely a boss.
12 -M-o-X- 2021-02-01
Ten ends at tricky dick
1 UpvoteIfYouDare 2021-02-01
Vietnam is too damning a legacy.
2 Tobyghisa 2021-02-01
Uhmmm sweetie Obama was black, you know right?
24 Pepperglue 2021-02-01
What did he do to Ohio to deserve such reverence? Not even Ronald Reagan had it.
25 seenten 2021-02-01
No further explanation needed.
17 DblCherry 2021-02-01
Thank fuck he didn’t release the orange nudes 🤢 imagine if he was only orange to the neck down and the rest was pure pale grey/pink? Heavy ooft. This made me think shit I’d rather not.
15 Violent_Yet_Polite 2021-02-01
And now I am a victim of those thoughts too because I read this comment 🤮
10 ManBearFridge 2021-02-01
Just going to skip erecting a statue first?
1 [deleted] 2021-02-01
1 SnapshillBot 2021-02-01
Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 heretobefriends 2021-02-01
*happy rube noises*
67 Lysis10 2021-02-01
If I were still an employee, I'd be willing to sacrifice my dignity for celebrating Trump day in exchange for paid time off.
13 ballrot 2021-02-01
You can still take a day off, King
23 ArachnoLibrarian 2021-02-01
Imagine not knowing all female dramatards 🤭☺️😰
9 -Kite-Man- 2021-02-01
it's not like you don't already do it for mlk day right?
12 Lysis10 2021-02-01
You euros get like 50 holidays a year. Employees here get like 5. They can take all they can get.
33 Zero5urvivers 2021-02-01
Not a cult btw.
28 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2021-02-01
That will pass as soon as they they overturn roe v wade and repeal the 2nd amendment.
26 -M-o-X- 2021-02-01
Anyone who thinks any of the last ten Presidents are the greatest of all time should be launched into the sun.
23 Zero5urvivers 2021-02-01
13 red1dragon588 2021-02-01
LBJ isn’t one of the last 10 presidents so it’s ok
I appreciate him whipping his dick out in meetings tho, definitely a boss.
12 -M-o-X- 2021-02-01
Ten ends at tricky dick
1 UpvoteIfYouDare 2021-02-01
Vietnam is too damning a legacy.
2 Tobyghisa 2021-02-01
Uhmmm sweetie Obama was black, you know right?
24 Pepperglue 2021-02-01
What did he do to Ohio to deserve such reverence? Not even Ronald Reagan had it.
25 seenten 2021-02-01
No further explanation needed.
17 DblCherry 2021-02-01
Thank fuck he didn’t release the orange nudes 🤢 imagine if he was only orange to the neck down and the rest was pure pale grey/pink? Heavy ooft. This made me think shit I’d rather not.
15 Violent_Yet_Polite 2021-02-01
And now I am a victim of those thoughts too because I read this comment 🤮
10 ManBearFridge 2021-02-01
Just going to skip erecting a statue first?
1 [deleted] 2021-02-01
1 SnapshillBot 2021-02-01
Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 heretobefriends 2021-02-01
*happy rube noises*