Rightoid infighting commences as the 🐢 🔥✡ 🛰 ⚡👸

48  2021-02-02 by -M-o-X-


We've finally found his standards.

She never even mentioned "jewish" https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/greene-jewish-lasers-wildfires/

Smh this fakestream media is getting out of hand 😲

I like my space lasers to be secular

This, so much this

Rothschild conspiracies tend to proxy for Jewish conspiracies

Why include “Rothschild” in your narrative about California light rail other than to connote that da joos were involved.

California light rail

Is this a typo or is this actually about transit?

Not a typo. I believe the post in question postulated that a large California wildfire was started via satellite fired weapons in order to clear out land to make way for California’s eternally doomed transit rail project.

Beyond parody

I think you have a guilty anti Semitic conscience.


How unbased

I hate that I understood this title at a glance.

It's real impressive given when I log into reddit on other devices the symbols change and some are really off.