This is super cute!!!

15  2021-02-02 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


1) where's the drama?

2) lmao at an 11 year old having enough sense to get our at the top >!and leave the ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ™Œcels holding his bag!<

Hey man. Some of those diamondhandcels might be someone you know ๐Ÿ˜”

If you are bagholding GME it was only a matter of time before a Nigerian prince got your money anyways

Good thing you arenโ€™t a diamond handy, right hodor

Jaydyn received GameStop shares as a Kwanzaa gift in 2019. His mother paid $60 to buy him 10 shares in the spirit of Ujamaa

poor kid