"Sociologists could, and should, study how [the r-slur] was deployed by those Redditors and what role it played in forming the community that enabled them to strike a blow against these hedge funds." - the greatest living journalist tattling on a NYTimes tattler

1  2021-02-08 by itsnotmyfault


hall-monitor reporters

A pretty apt name, I must say.

Glen Greenwald is unironically my favorite journalist. He's a great example of what happens when you report the news with any ounce of nuance:

  • Rightoids call you a leftoid
  • Leftoids call you a rightoid

Now I don't agree with either, but you'd think being gay and married to a socialist would get you a free pass to not be called a rightoid.

Greenwald is definitely a leftoid, but he's a leftoid with actual principles and convictions, which is almost unheard of among the American left, 99.99% of whom will throw whatever ideology they claim to hold dear out the window to support literally anyone with the letter "D" next to their name.

Which, incidentally, makes him a Grade A drama generator. And, as such, one of my favorite journos too.

He also managed to get on Bolsonaro's personal hit list by reporting on him these past few years lol, yet still continues to live in Brazil with his husband.

Glen sometimes seems to get something right.

Glen might be many things, like tedious, annoying, and dumb, but at least he's honest. I respect that.

He's stuck to his retarded beliefs while his supporters started loving drones and spying as soon as GW left the whitehouse

Glen ranting about journalistic ethics after burning reality winner will never stop being funny to me

Making all of this worse, The Intercept — while gradually excluding the co-founders from any role in its editorial mission or direction, and making one choice after the next to which I vocally objected as a betrayal of our core mission — continued publicly to trade on my name in order to raise funds for journalism it knew I did not support. It purposely allowed the perception to fester that I was the person responsible for its journalistic mistakes in order to ensure that blame for those mistakes was heaped on me rather than the editors who were consolidating control and were responsible for them.

The most egregious, but by no means only, example of exploiting my name to evade responsibility was the Reality Winner debacle. As The New York Times recently reported, that was a story in which I had no involvement whatsoever. While based in Brazil, I was never asked to work on the documents which Winner sent to our New York newsroom with no request that any specific journalist work on them. I did not even learn of the existence of that document until very shortly prior to its publication. The person who oversaw, edited and controlled that story was Betsy Reed, which was how it should be given the magnitude and complexity of that reporting and her position as editor-in-chief.

Anyway, it amuses me that it's about ethics in journalism, which makes it sound like Glenn is a GamerGater. Which he is, of course.

Wait, it's all gamergate?

Always has been.

Journalism is dead. We killed it.

Great fucking post.

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Greenwald on something. Good read.