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5 BroboxylicAcid 2021-02-12
All first order satire is shit anyway. Either go so far you forget your fucking face or be genuine for once in your life ffs.
And that's why we should ban it. It's time to ban satire.
2 idio3 2021-02-12
How has your diagnosis affected you growing up?
1 ManBearFridge 2021-02-12
2 PacificSpices 2021-02-12
Fun fact: A chronic inability to understand sarcasm or tone is a hallmark of autism.
Just figured I would share. No reason really.
5 Llamayoda 2021-02-12
Autism also increases your chances of being a gender bender 🤔🤔🤔
2 ironicshitpostr 2021-02-12
Also being a speed runner, so there's an actual downside
1 Kissingersbitch 2021-02-12
Gender bender 😂😂😂😂
1 -Kite-Man- 2021-02-12
So is an inability to employ it correctly.
Some people are too stupid to get it, some people are too stupid to use it, and there's a lot of overlap.
1 [deleted] 2021-02-12
1 AutoModerator 2021-02-12
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2 BIknkbtKitNwniS 2021-02-12
People who use /s to denote sarcasm are very smart and thoughtful people
2 32624647 2021-02-12
They try to save others from autism.
but they can't save themselves.
2 idio3 2021-02-12
Ἰατρέ, θεράπευσον σεαυτόν
1 RedPillDessert 2021-02-12
Doesn't help that the word 'ironic' had at least two definitions in common use. What a mess.
1 heretobefriends 2021-02-12
How do these people function in day to day life?
1 CeetheAndSope 2021-02-12
They don't.
1 idio3 2021-02-12
There's no cure for being a smug cocksucker 😞
1 Funkyduffy 2021-02-12
I have a fever, and the only prescription is sucking more cock
1 strallweat 2021-02-12
If (((they))) do too many air quotes then it's racist. Gotta find a balance.
1 Constant_Waltz 2021-02-12
bro FUCK homeowners all they know is stop developments and make anything cost money and shit