Finally broke free from a really bad and stinking Persistent Patriarchy Hex Today ❣️

1  2021-02-12 by ballrot

Dear fellow witches

So I was way too stuck for many decades on some “men” who overpromised and underdelivered. I knew it all along, I am logical.

Still, I chose to act like a fool and pretended like I loved men more than me, that I would give up my very essence!

In hopes they would return the favour. 😩 [It was purely about Pentacle Energy and I cannot deny this fact]

Today - and this is me spitting truth - I exercised ✨amilli0ndollarstowardsahomewithoutmortgage✨spell

And everything has changed since this afternoon. I fucking killed the social media associated to toxic masculinity, especially the young, ugh! 😫

I also spoke to true, free, natural, suffering, tough, yet lit men on here. Coming up they are.

Lady Witches, I think I may finally have broken free entirely! 😱✨

Tomorrow at 10 one last Lawyer visit and I should be in the the white magic, aka the clear.

I also wore my Brothers Grimm fairy tale Archetype hooded sweater to said bank appointment, I don’t know how to post text and photos at the same time but lemme assure you: I felt okay! 🙂

Love you all, you have made such a difference in my life!


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Finally broke free from a really ba... -,*

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Thanks for your testimony, queen. Did you cast the spell using OnlyFans?

So this is my week/weekend to drink and be off meds. Are you a real witch cause if so I want you on my Azteca time machine squad I'm building. We are gonna take back from the past what the same took from our present. We are going to be god's and my ravings will become scripture. We will usher in a new age of feelings over reason, anything over reason. Snappy will be proud and his autoposts will become oral tradition.

But I'm if you're a regular lady sorry for manicposting. Uh, down with the patriarchy and stuff

Someone please post this word-for-word on WitchesVsPatriarchy. (I got banned like 3 hours after learning about that place)

Then they'd have two identical posts...

No fucking way! Why can't I find it? Could you dm me a 🔗 please? 🥺

Can't find it sorry. Maybe it was deleted


Today I went to my botanica and I purchased some destruction oils and coffin nails. I'm wondering if it's bad juju to keep these items in my bedroom? My apartment is extremely small and I don't have a lot of space. Alternatively, I'm thinking maybe I can store them under the sink, so at least they're not in the same room where I sleep.

Does it matter where you keep these items?

Divorce has never sounded so effervescent.