Get in nerds, it's manic time

1  2021-02-13 by Violent_Yet_Polite

It is I, your boy Violent. Sanity is out, superpowers are in and of course, where we are going we won't need sanity to be sane. Or even eyes to see: We Won't Need Eyes To See - YouTube


I have witnessed the cremation of my grandfather and the mourning of his children. Not on the same day but the funeral was today. After contemplating the ashes of my ancestor I have decided that the only way to escape entropy and death and sanity is to travel further and further into the past until we reach the heat BIRTH of the universe.

Exhibit A:

Heat death of the universe is where we are headed. No love, no warmth, no light, just god forsaken freezing cold and OVERBEARING sanity, the sanity of the last sentient beings left in vast galaxy sized silos of knowledge spread over silicon substrates and carved into the dead worlds of the flesh bound. Just sitting there in darkness with no one or nothing able to appreciate what was left behind.

Source: Heat Death | Definition of Heat Death by Merriam-Webster (

Source: Heat death of the universe - Wikipedia


Exhibit B:

Heat birth of the universe is where came from. In the beginning there was nothing and then there was light, heat, warmth, stars reproducing like they're late for evolution. In my opinion, the universe was absolutely insane and ruled by the passions of forces greater than comprehension. My type of fucking place, just imagine it, whole galaxy clusters ruled by superstition and chaotic forces. Imagine the infinite void being pissed on stars and creatures that have the audacity to live and love and not give in to the inevitable darkness waiting at the end of the universe. The type of place you don't need to be sane to thrive. You can just be a being with electricity bouncing around your organic flesh, taking the piss out of order and life.

Source: I made up Heat Birth and its not copyrighted so feel free to use it or whatever

Source: I'm literally certified crazy off my meds, I can just pretend to be normal on them but I'm kinda
intelligent too so hear me out.


Exhibit C:

Time travel is possible. Check out my previous drama posts or whatever but some of you know that I'm trying to build an Azteca time machine with John Titor grade navigation. I focus on the Azteca because they did it so far in the past, it must be easier to build that John Titor's General Electric time machine.

Source: It’s Not an Alien Astronaut | misfitsandheroes ( (It IS an alien astronaut!!!)

Source: See my John Titor post here on drama



I will build a time machine and assemble a team of other people with superpowers like myself to constantly travel back and forward through time in state of constant exaltation, undoing the evil of Heat Death, Reason and Sanity. We will discover the spark of Heat Birth, Feeling, and Insanity/Superpowers and forever bring them to the end of time to foil Enthalpy's wicked endgame.


Thanks for tuning in,

Love, your local boy VYP


Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Get in nerds, it's manic time -,*

  2. We Won't Need Eyes To See - YouTube -,*

  3. Heat Death | Definition of Heat Dea... -,*

  4. Heat death of the universe - Wikipe... -,*

  5. It’s Not an Alien Astronaut | misfi... -,*

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Snappy you can be chief keeper of the truth on my time squad

Gunna have to share whatever you are smoking if you expect me to read this so late at night.

Marlboro and White Claw. Its okay. I know my ravings are mad. I post to get them out. Buy heat death bad, heat birth good is the tldr

Where does the "heat" come from for this proposed heat birth of the universe?

Come with me and we will find out together.

If you aren't offering complementary Kool Aid, I'm not joining your cult.

Where we're going we don't need kool aid to cult

Do you drink Bang, the energy drink?

I do cocaine for energy

I can respect that. Hope your manic phase goes well.

He's literally off his meds. He posted about it earlier this week.

Oh yeah.

it's the drugs he isn't taking

It do be like that sometimes

If they didn't remove the bullet after your grandma shot him ask if they could get when they sift him out. That'll make a pretty cool heirloom.

This was long long ago but yes, I'd probably of worn it as a necklace and testament to his survivability


I miss jew dank, dad

Are you currently in San Diego? I feel like you'd know where to drink without having to pay a dumb food truck.

At home by yourself like the rest of us

I'm georgia but going to my place in SD soon

Yikes sweaty, have you been to your therapist recently?

She doesn't kill the pain

Funny enough, back in my college days and post college when I landed a job that involved some Astrophysics, I tried to understand if heat death of the universe really would have to be 'the end' since we still hardly understand 'the beginning.'

Currently right now, if we had to age the universe in proportional to a human, that human hasn't even left the womb yet by the time we get to the point every dead planet has disintegrated via carbon decay and every black hole has radiated out its energy.

Where the only thing left is scattering photons that are so spread out, there is no light. Only darkness.

Exactly. I'm trying to prevent the decay

Based schizoposter