Dating my tulpa and saying I have a long distance date?

1  2021-02-13 by ballrot

Ok- so I have been dating my tulpa for maybe 5 years now (he was an IF before... just go with it ok), and next year I will be allowed to date officially. So... could it work for me to say that I have a long distance relationship? The main reason is so that I can pretend to be on the phone with my tulpa and not have to worry about looking crazy for talking to no one. I was thinking of saying they were a friend of mine now and asking if I can call them regularly, and then saying that they are moving, and then asking them out. Could this work? Is it too many lies? I’d just love to be able to call Cam my boyfriend, even if my parents can never actually meet him in person.

Also- what if I did a zoom call with them and him, and he could just stay off video and I would keep an extra computer next to me so that he could chat... Then again... that would be really tough.

Edit: I was in a really weird mental headspace when I wrote this. Thanks for the response!


Reposting TiA now? 🥱

Hey I dredged this from the sewers all by myself

You've been posting gold. Could you to drop a comment next time pls? Feels like big cocktease

I'll think about it 😘

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


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