[not drama][funny] Texas mistakenly issued Amber Alert listing 'Chucky' from 'Child's Play' as suspect

1  2021-02-13 by snallygaster


Ah, testing software in production, a time honored tradition.

The Texas succession to Mexico will be really good for them.

Accession, you illiterate burger.

lmao oh fuck I got that one wrong. I'm gonna leave it and take my lumps.

Nah, you were right in the first place. Succession would be the appropriate term for what you were jokingly referring to.

Unless he was jokingly referring to some sort of polandball-ish Texas inheriting all of Mexico's clay - I'm pretty sure that's the wrong term. Accession is becoming a part of something.

Ohhhhh I see the confusion. I did mean succession but I see the way I said it made it confusing. My bad 😇

You meant Texas inheriting Mexico?


Accession would mean the US federal government willingly giving up Texas to Mexico or somesuch treaty.

But, you might not know about the long running


Which are about some rebellious Texans "wanting" to succeed from the Union. Which would inevitably lead to Texas just becoming a part of Mexico, seeing as how Texas coundn't really be its own independent country.

AAAARGH! What a clusterfuck!

Accession would mean the US federal government willingly giving up Texas to Mexico.

Accession would mean TEXAS willingly joining Mexico, from the point of view of Texas itself. From a point of view of US - it would be cession, while from the point of view of Mexico, it would be annexation.

Which are about about rebellious Texans "wanting" to succeed from the Union. Which would inevitably lead to Texas just becoming a part of Mexico, seeing as how Texas coundn't really be its own independent country.

Rebellious Texans want to secede, not succeed (which, again, basically means inherit).


No need to be angry

I'm not, it was just a lot to unpack. You guys should really get an education system.

But then we might have to cut into the military budget, which would suck cuz then we wouldn't rule the world and get to say to do what we want! Regardless of whether the terms make sense or not.

This seems like a funnier, less scary version of the Hawaii false missile alert.


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. [not drama][funny] Texas mistakenly... - archive.org, archive.today*

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