Father loses the popular vote again.

1  2021-02-13 by Zero5urvivers


Daddy 2024, can't wait for the drama

Nah, he's gonna die in 2023 and the rurals will call it an assassination.

It gets to general and then he dies, and then his ticket wins, and then his vice president is yet another do nothing empty suit that no one's willing to admit.

Idk, if he makes it that far I doubt he'll pick an establishment VP. No, look forward to MTG being our first channer-in-chief.

Not an establishment VP per se. They're definitely aesthetically tard powered but they're ultimately TINO.

There's no way he makes it 4 years. Dude actually prefers McDonald's over the White House chef's cuisine, has a Diet Coke on demand button on his desk, and his only form of exercise is golf.

You are the embodiment of TDS.

My guy, these are all facts lol

My point stands.

Those things are all funny. Maybe TDS should include rightoids who perceive everything as an attack because c 0 p e

The only one c 0 p 1 n g is you. So butthurt DDR got away with it again.

I have a bit of self awareness. The big bad of the day was the precedent our dumbass Senate did, not a sunsetting man who accidentally did a treason

No one did a treason. But I agree that the precedent set by 57 senators is a bad thing.

If you can't see how egging on the murder of those senators is ain't good for democracy, then I dunno what to tell ya. The important part having fun with comments about it

egging on the murder of those senators

Never happened.
