JusticeServed mod stickies DementiaDaddy(R) acquittal with crab emojis, Soyjaks sperg out, SRDines flip the popcorn bucket screaming about how trolling isn't real drama (screencaps in comments)

1  2021-02-15 by Funkyduffy


SRDines always just have to make everything about their politicks, they never can stand to have some fun πŸ˜’

Thanks for the effortpost, πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡©

Huh, SRDines have yet again shown themselves to be worse than even the average redditors.


Indescribably 🎸'd


Why is that one SRDine saying he's pushing misinformation? He's literally been acquitted.

Because when people say misinformation they just mean β€œinformation I’m not mature enough to process”

It's new speak for "you forgot to add opinion to it to make it clear that Red Team Bad"

I genuinely feel like I'm taking crazy pills whenever people talk about the impeachment like it's some kind of miscarriage of justice. Trump gave a bog standard political speech before the morons stormed the capital.

Don't you know that Daddy literally personally assigned each and every one of those people into different battalions and assigned them different targets within the capitol

Aux armes, citoyens,

Formez vos bataillons,

Marchons, marchons !

Qu'un sang impur

Abreuve nos sillons !

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·07 07 07πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

I didn't watch the speech, but the argument being peddled by people is that his repeated claims about the election being stolen stirred up his supporters into a frenzy, and thus incitement of insurrection. I don't know if this was the same argument Dems were using at the trial, but if it was then that would be beyond r-slur.

Pelosi and a bunch of other people did the same thing in 2016

Yeah like it's not a court of justice. There is no need to prove anything as it is a political process like a vote of no confidence rather a court.

He didn't give a standard political speech and what he did should have absolutely ended in charges.

This isn't even getting into the GA call, which was absolutely him trying to solicit felony false data entry.

If Trump gets away with this all we're doing is saying "hey, feel free to incite a riot and endanger the lives of congress and also feel free to try to steal an election in the open" to every future president.

Republicans are setting a very dangerous precedent in which the president is literally above the law while in office and after he leaves office.

Can't wait for the Democrats "bog standard political speech" when they lose, I'm sure all the Republicans will act calmly when the fight is taken to them.

Did you miss all the times that already happened since daddy came on the scene?

But I agree, I'd like to see the left get back to calling for violence and burning shit down. The speed with which they're able to put BLM and antifa back in the box when they're no longer useful is disappointing.

Also one of the legal arguments Trump's lawyers gave had something to do with not setting a precedent to impeach out of office presidents, it wasn't suppose to be a referendum on Trump, there were valid arguments to not impeach him.

He literally says we are going to march to the capitol and peacefully protest/make our voices heard or whatever. I think Trump is a giant piece of shit and am glad he is gone, but I just don't see how you can directly tie him to what happened. Unless they had some sort of recording with him conspiring with these morons, or having someone conspire with them, there was just nothing here.

Unless you are going to prosecute everyone who has said shit like "we have to fight for....". I mean fuck, the left was bailing out rioters during the BLM shit, and congresspeople were telling the public to find senators and confront them in the streets and in restaurants. That shit is MUCH more a direct call to potential violence than the stupid shit Trump spouted.

Daddy always wins (please omit when he did not).

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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they just don't appreciate us as much as they should.

The internet is serious business.

Holy shit, they are LIVID lmao

Rule 6, rule 6! Unsubbed! Resign!!!!